Restless post-op?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
I was reading MaryC's post on pumpheadedness, and got to thinking about another post-op change I've felt. I'm wondering if any of you have felt/experienced the same thing...

Ever since my surgery, I've had a hard time relaxing. I'm always on the go, running around like a crazy person. (And then I wonder why I've had weird symptoms since. Hmmm.) Anyway, I get anxious. At first, it was worry-anxious, but that subsided by the time I went back to work in September and I had other things to occupy my mind. Now, I feel as if I'm a hyperactive dog. An example, I'm taking two simultaneous CLAD courses online and had two major projects due yesterday. Because my spring break started last Friday (the 6th), the first thing I did was get to work on the projects and get them done so I didn't have the deadline hanging over my head the rest of the week. A year ago, I may have been more casual about the projects and waited until the deadline to complete them. I guess the good thing is that I got them done early, considering what else has been going on this past week. But I could not feel at ease until the projects were done and e-mailed to my professors.

Anyway, my cardio accused me of being anxious when I saw him Wednesday. Not hypochondriac-anxious (good!), but high-strung anxious. I just can't seem to relax. Of course, for the doc, it's like the pot calling the kettle black because he's a stress case himself. I can think of more than a few examples where I've seen him stressed. But then again, aren't most doctors always overworked, tired, and stressed?

Is this another "messing-with-my mind" pump side effect? Or is it something else that I think it is subconsciously--now that I have another chance at life, I want to make the most of every minute?

The husbster (my husband) threatens to tie me down to the couch.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this...

Debi (debster913)
debster913 said:
Or is it something else that I think it is subconsciously--now that I have another chance at life, I want to make the most of every minute?
I think this is more likely. I feel the same way and I even think that is part of the reason I don't sleep much anymore.;) :D
Hey Deb, why don't you tie the husband to the couch instead, could be interesting;) !!

Seriously, what you are experiencing is not abnormal for OHS patients I think.
I am a lot more wired about things than I was before......we are probably, subconsciously, going hard at this second chance we have been given at life.

geebee said:
I feel the same way and I even think that is part of the reason I don't sleep much anymore.;) :D

Heh ... hadn't thought of it like that before....

Sadly, I've found that I get much less sleep during the week ... and, over the winter, have been "catching up" on the weekends, sleeping in embarrassingly late on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Won't be able to do that once summer comes ... at least not on Saturdays, because that is the day I traditionally wash/wax my cars, as well as others' cars..........

I've actually been trying to find ways to get more sleep ... but find myself not being able to do so during the week. And, now that you mentioned the feeling of wanting to get as much as you can out of life ... makes sense as to why I'm not ... and why I fight so hard between getting sleep ... and not getting sleep.


Course, the "wanting to get more out of life" accounts for a few other things for me as well ... travel ... radio show ... etc. etc. ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
my radio show:CD SHOWCASE.7:30p central.Friday/April 20 =
Deb -

I think I'm the exact opposite. I'm completely non-stressed about everything now. If it isn't a health issue or crisis I figure it just *can't* be that important. Everything pales in comparison.

One explanation could be that our previous personalities just distill a bit after surgery. If we were anxious to get the most out of life before, now we REALLY are anxious knowing how frail life can be. I was a bit mellow before the surgery but now I'm REALLY mellow about life, not wanting to waste a moment sweating any of the 'small stuff' in life, it simply isn't worth my time any more. I suspect over time the pendulum will swing back for me.

I wish you all the best,
I find that since I am a nervous person, relaxing is very important for my general well being. I detest being stressed. I have to admit, too, that I do sometimes get bent out of shape about stupid things, but then I reprimand myself and say to myself that I should chill out and just thank my lucky stars that everything turned out so well and that I am feeling so good.
I can honestly say it hasn't revved Noel up any. He's always been laid back and still is. Never gets flapped about anything...still easy going Noel...and he can sleep anywhere anytime. :)
Debi, I can relate, although I am not post op on valve replacement, I notice lately that I cant stop, even when I dont feel well (this weekend I went up and helped my cousin move, and worked 2 shifts at wendys with a cold), I agree its probably getting the most out of things, it also may have to do with the fact that you have more available energy, and dont know what to do with it.....

Morgan, 20
I had a lot more energy pre-op. I was always in a hurry to do anything and a workaholic. Now I find I'm more laid back. In fact, lately I've been thinking I've become too relaxed, and need to find some of that old energy again. I've even been seriously thinking of changing jobs (hopefully within the same company due to tenure in the pension plan) to "kick-start" myself with something new, even if just a lateral career move.


Prior to surgery, I didn't sleep much. It's a pattern I started when I was going through grad school.

Post-surgery (three weeks now), I've found that I can sleep much more easily. Time will tell if this lasts as as recovery continues. I hope it does as I've started enjoying sleep.

If you decide to tie your hubster to the couch, as a sailor I can probably help you out; I know some really good knots.

Deb Deb Deb Deb,
Everyday you make choices and even though you feel driven and anxious you choose to either let it drive you or you can over-ride those feelings and force yourself to pace your life. I am the same and since my bout with intestinal issues last month, I have been reminded how important it is to pace my life and make better choices. Yeah I want to take advantage of the fact that I have been given a second chance on life, but I want to accomplish many things, and yet enjoy everyday. My suggestion to you last month is still the same, take a step back and force your self to do some things that make you relax. For me it is driving down to the beach at Santa Barbara or Ventura. Just a walk on the beach can drain all the pent up energy and stress. I read a book about how many major things we can truly handle in our life. The author challenged the reader to limit themselves to 5 maybe 7 at the most. Family relationships, church life, and work take up 3 right off the bat for me. Then if you are invovled in other things like hobbies, or service of some type, they all add up. I realized that I had 12 things in my life and through some really tough decisions I cut back to 5. It has helped me so much and i do a much better job at those 5 things. SLOW DOWN and enjoy this gift of life. I can tell from the things I have read from you over the last year that you are a great person and have so much to give. Take it all in and breath, I think you will find some of this anxious spirit will diminish. I am preaching to myself here as you probably know (my foot is tapping as I am writing this) so take it from a guy that can drive himself to exhaustion slow down and enjoy each day and take all the things you want to accomplish one at a time. Not so many at once. It will be better for your heart your family and your spirit.

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