Removing stitches 12 days post op

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2009
Kalamazoo, Michigan

I ran into to a situation today that someone may have some thought on. I am 12 days post op and feeling pretty darn good. I had my followup with my pcp today. All is well, he hears no murmur (yippee!) but my beats are a little irregular. He says all is fine though and to stay on the beta blocker until I see my cardiologist in September for his followup.

Now, the issue is the stitches from my main incision. There are no instructions for him to remove them on his papers and my discharge papers don't address it either. They have to come out. It is a running stitch so he is hesitant to just remove them and I understand that. But, this area is red, and really pinched tight which is probably why I have so much discomfort there! I called my cardiologist to see if they have any discharge instructions but they don't either. I've made a call to Cleveland to see what I supposed to do.

Anyone else run into this?

MINE were staples and came out in about 2 or 3 weeks and my gp's nurse took them out. my cardio actually told me to go to my gp (I live about an hour away from the cardio's hospital) to make it easy for me. you really need to check it out and get these stitches gone, I would think. Best of luck.
I did not have stitches outside or staples. I can not help. However, if they are red and sore, they probably need to come out. I hope someone from CC calls you soon.
My stitches were the dissolving kind. I kind of thought that was the only type they used on the actual incision line (unless they used staples). I guess I am wrong.
I was glued shut and had steri strips both times. No stitches to remove.

I agree you need to speak with someone very soon at Cleveland. I'm surprised that wasn't addressed when you were discharged and also surprised your PCP or cardio isn't more helpful in getting you the info as to how they should take care of you.

Best wishes. Hope by now you have heard from Cleveland.
Thanks for the advice. You are right. I am going to get my pcp or my cardio to call Cleveland. I never got a call back. There was nothing in my discharge stuff about getting the stitches out. I guess I just assumed the docs would know and figured I'd get them out today. I DO need to get them out as I think I may sleep lots better.

I'll keep you posted and thanks again!
I've never had those horrid black stitches on the sternum, only the invisable, dissolvable kind for all 3 of my surgeries. The stitches are only on the chest tube incisions and are removed before leaving the hospital. You should e-mail your surgeon and suggest he use a "closer" who knows how to do it right! Wow, are we in 2009? Why are some surgeons so behind?
I'm still tring to figure out why some people get staples. I would have freaked!

I had staples many years ago for abdominal surgery and that was bad enough but for my chest... :eek:

That is absolutely something I think patients should discuss with their surgeon prior to surgery so you don't have an unpleasant surprise.
I was in hospital 7 days post op, and had staples and 2 tube stitches out the last day. Brian
Follow up about my stitches 12 days (now, 14) days post opt!

Well, my pcp called Cleveland Clinic today and was finally able to talk to a nurse practitioner who had to look up my file. Those stitches DO need to come out and they are coming out tomorrow. Yippee! I think these stitches are the main source of my pain so I will be so glad when they come out.

Had my first outing cut and my kid's volleyball game. Not bad for 2 weeks out! My surgeon told me he thought I'd be doing pretty good in 2 weeks and he was right.

I sure appreciate the tips and comments on my stitches issue! Glad that problem is resolved!