Red Blood Cells Being Destroyed?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2002
Flushing, Queens, NY
Hello Everyone,

Hope this post finds everyone healthy and happy. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life has been very hectic. I've had a few ER visits with SOB, dizziness, and blurred vision. I went on a holter monitor and I am having difficulties with some arrhythmias. I will be going to two cardiologists on July 7th and 8th. But my main concern is that my PCP ran some tests and says my red blood cell count is very low and he believes they are being destroyed by the mechanical valves. Has anyone else had experience with this or anyone have any good websites or articles on this? I haven't been able to find much info. The doctors have also put me on 50mg of Lopressor 2x a day which seems to be putting me in the dumps. I'm exhausted all the time and have had to ask my boss to cut back my hours. I'm very frustrated with all this and it's sad to say I feel worse now, 14 months after my surgery than when I was in Class IV CHF. I find it very ironic that the surgery I had to feel better is actually making me worse. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Again I'm sorry for being a stranger and hope all is well. Talk to you all soon. Take Care!
Hey Nicole,
I think I would get a second opinion on the red blood cells being destroyed by the mechanical valves. I have read a lot about the valves since my surgery on 4/21/03 and have not seen anything about this. I am also on a lopressor but I only take a 1/4 of a pill twice a day. My red blood cell count down on the Friday I was to be released from the hospital and they had to give me 2 units of blood. So far everything has been going fine. I hope you get to feeling better. Take care


Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical Valve
Heart Center of the Rockies
Hi Nicole-

My husband has this condition. His condition is called hemolytic anemia. He goes to a hematologist who monitors the condition. His PCP also monitors it as well as his cardiologist. When he was admitted to the hospital last December, in addition to several very severe conditions, he had severe anemia. It can exacerbate any of the other conditions you might have, so it is very good that someone is following it.

My husband gets 3 injections of Procrit per week (that I give him) to help with the rebuilding of the red blood cells. It has helped him tremendously. He also takes folic acid, and iron pills a couple of times per day. In spite of that, he remains at the low end of the normal range, and sometimes slips below normal. It has been severe enough in the past to require transfusions.

I am concerned about his anemia as we speak, because he had a bleeding incident from a small out-patient skin surgical site and did lose some blood, how much I don't know. I'm hoping he doesn't need a transfusion. He has blood that is difficult to get.

But he will be seeing the hematologist on Tuesday, a regular visit. If his blood count is normal, I'll eat my hat.

This condition does bear watching, it's sneaky and can (as I said before) make other conditions much worse.

Best wishes.
First I've Heard of Red Blood Cells Being Destroyed By Mechanical Valve

First I've Heard of Red Blood Cells Being Destroyed By Mechanical Valve

Hi Nicole,
I've been monitoring Heart Valve information since I first heard that I might need one back in 1988, that is 15 years, and I never heard of a mechanical valve destroying blood cells.
I have a tissue valve (I have a half century on you) so I cannot be of any assistance by offering you my personal comparisons.
You would think of the tons of info provided in the mechanical vs tissue disertations, that this would have come up many times in the past, but I cannot ever recall having heard of it.
I wish you the best of everything and sincerely hope that you get over this hump asap.
Its no fun being down.
Sincere best wishes,
AVR; MI; CCF; Cosgrove; 04/02; Bovine Tissue Valve
Hello, Young'un - I am so sorry you are having such trouble. Just want you to know that I always remember you in my prayers. You are just too little to be having all these things. I wish I could send you a good day..............Love, Ann
Hi Nicole,

I'll be keeping an eye on the responses, I've never heard of it, but that doesn't mean a thing.

Keep us updated when you visit the cardio doc, I'm sure we are all a little curious about this.

Just a thought, some women who still have their menstral cycle run the risk of anemia, low hgb/hct. especially if they are vegatarians, or have extremely heavy cycles. Just a thought???

Nancy mentioned hemolytic anemia - my ex also has it. It was inherited through his mother's family. The doctors had us do a search and we found several family members also had it. It was common in Eastern Europe years ago and my ex's people came from Germany. His spleen was unable to strain the blood cells because they were misshapen so they removed the spleen and the problem took care of itself. To this day, tho he still has flu-like attacks involving chills and fever because of hemolytic anemia.

I just can't imagine valves destroying your red blood cells, but then stranger things..... Please keep us informed, Nicole.
Do a search on Google using this phrase:

"mechanical heart valves" hemolysis

Use the quotes in the first part. There is lots of technical stuff there, it should keep you pretty busy for a few days.

My husband's blood has been looked at right-side up, upside down, inside out and sideways. That is indeed his diagnosis, hemolysis due to his mechanical valves. The main culprit in his case may be his very old caged ball valve, but then he does have 2 mechanicals. But people with dual valves can be susceptible, and I guess in a few cases, those with single valves.

I'm not sure how often this happens, probably not too many people have the problem.

It does a big number on the kidneys, liver and spleen if it isn't kept under control and can make CHF worse.
Hi Nicole,

I'm sorry you are having problems and are not feeling any better. I've been wondering where you were.

I have read of this before. It doesn't happen very often and the care is very individualized.

Nancy, I'm sorry Joe has problems with this as well. It sounds as if Joe is being taken care of by you so well. You always amaze me!

Nicole, this destruction of red blood cells is more common in diseased valves, particularily mitral and aortic stenosis because the blood is being squeezed through a smaller than adequate opening. If you put healthy blood in a test tube and shook it up you would have damaged cells as well. Because the hemo-dynamics are improved with brand new valves it is much less common then.

You need to get this checked. Maybe they will find out the scource of problem is from somewhere else. Please let us know what you find out.

You go back on my prayer list.

Hi Nicole,
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling up to par lately. When you mentioned the RBC being destroyed, it reminded me of something an ER doc told me shortly after my surgery. He also commented that a mechanical valve can play havoc with your RBC. I was anemic at the time, but mine was due to just having had surgery. I can't really give you any more information regarding this, other than yes, I have heard of it. Please keep us informed on what you learn about it. I wish you all the best.

Take Care!
Hi Nicole,

So sorry you are not feeling well.

At one point in time my former hematologist down south did mention the red blood cell destruction as a possibility with a mechanical valve. When my count was low....... it was attributed to heavy monthly bleeding. Which I am sure you many have issues with being on the Coumadin. At that they placed me on Chromagen which is a Rx iron supplement. Have been taking for three years now to control the anemia. My fix will be a hystectomy. Just need to find a good time to have it done. Looking at the fall.

Ask your PCP if your monthly friend may be causing your concerns. I will tell you, anemia can make you feel awful in itself!

Take care and please keep us posted.
Hi Nicole and everyone else with this problem-

Just wanted to let you know that there is control for this problem. Joe's anemia (hemolytic from mechanical valves) was pretty terrible in December and his liver and spleen were very enlarged. When he was admitted to the hospital for his month long stay, he had to have 2 immediate transfusions.

He just got back from the hematologist and his blood count was NORMAL. This in spite of a bleeding incident from a small skin surgical procedure.

I think this is the first time his count has been normal in a very, very long time.

As I mentioned before, his doctors worked very hard on getting this under control, and I guess this is the success they were looking for. I credit Procrit injections, folic acid and iron pills.

It takes a little while for Procrit to work, because the new blood cells have to be generated and develop to a certain maturity.

Finally, all labs are looking very good.
That is great news about Joe, I know that ease you mind on that account.

Here's hoping for a smooth summer for both of you.

I think if there was a wife of the year award you would win hands down.