Question for aortic aneuryms repair patients

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I have been thinking about something my surgeon said at my last visit. He wants a CT scan every 2 years he said that he wants to be sure I don't get another aneurysm. I know someone who had an abdominal aneurym repaired after a car accident and about 10 years later he had another one. I wondered it anyone here had an ascending one repaired and then had a reoccurrence?
Kathy H
I havent had my ascending annie fixed yet,,,but that is one of the reasons theyre making me because I have more than 1 aneurysm...the others are lots smaller and yes it is an abdominal one :rolleyes: ...

I have been told and read it often, that BAVDers have dodgy aortic tissue and they are prone to other annies throughout their aortas...and lifelong checks are needed to keep us safe...

I got an email from Arlys at BAVD last week and her hubby has had another bad turn recently connected to this...

I like the sound of their schedule of checking you Kathy...thats what I like to see pro-active doctors...who know their stuff!
I had my ascending aorta replaced with a dacron tube in April 2002. I have had no problems with it since. At this point it will be checked every other year with an echocardiogram. I know there are many others with their ascending aorta replaced and hopefully they will read this and respond.
Hey Kathy, they only follow me with yearly echos. I was told at Cleveland that there is always a possibility of one springing up elsewhere above the fix, but unless I had Marfans, the odds were very low.
I've had a CT scan to look for a further aneurysm in the fall of 2003 and again in the fall of 2005. Both showed completely normal, and I have been concluding that I don't need to have that test done again. I'll be interested to hear what you learn about this. It's not a bad test, other than the warm feeling from the dye, but it must be very expensive.
Gary had his aortic anerysm repaired in August of 05 - he will have his first catscan check in February and then yearly. His surgeon advised the risk was low. I dont feel that way - I too agree that the tissue is so fragile there and it has been handled - there is a possiblity he could grow another. I am happy with the yearly catscans - he also will have yearly echos (is that overkill? I dont care!)This was his 3rd ohs I pray every nite it was his last!
ascending aorta repair 7/05

ascending aorta repair 7/05


I had an AVR and ascending aorta repair in July of '05. My surgeon wants to see me in July of '06 with a CT Scan and echo at that time. Based on us BAV folks having, in general, less than perfect arteries, I think that approach is wise.


I only have a yearly echo...Coming up 4 years this March:) Cardio has never mentioned having a CT to look for another one.....all echo have been fine:D Bonnie
I am going to ask my PCP to refer me for a yearly CT scan. In March it will be a year since the repair of my aortic aneurysm and AVR. Someone I know from work recently died after his aneurysm ruptured. He had his AVR replaced just over a year ago. I do not know if it was there during his AVR.

I have often read and one of the Cardios I have seen BOTH say these can and DO come back ...GRRRR!!!!....

In Perth Australia a spiral CT angio of the aorta cost me $625.00 and I was out of pocket less than $50 after ins. refunds etc...the MRI with contrast (of course!) was only $576.00.....go figure!? expenses about the same...

I dont mind what one they do although the CT was quicker BUT more "hotter of the contrast dye stuff" the MRI is more yucky if you feel claustrophic and with that wireless EKG strapped on to you etc ...well you guys know the drill I am sure...I prefer the quick burning wee feeling of a CT i think!? I wonder if you are allowed to put an ice-cube or two down ya pants to cool THAT area as it is a shocker the first

I also have just very recently heard from Arlys at BAVD and her dear hubby had another "oops" we shall call it that is related to the BAVD...Unfortunately peoples I personally really dont think we BAVers will in our life-times be guarranteed free from the possibility of another event...but we are already 30 to 40 years up on the last generation of BAVers thats something I rejoice!...but the more of us that do hang on and keep keeping-on will sure make it lots better for those who follow after us....that is my goal.

I dont want to rain on any parades here...I am just forwarding on what I have learnt so-far....and my weird views on this whole deal.

big hugs to all

Thanks for all your responses. I just wondered if any of you had found another aneurysm. I did not have a BAV, Dr felt my valve was damaged from Rheumatic Fever and the pressure from the leaking valve may have caused the aneurysm. I don't mind the CT scan, my Dr doesn't order it with the dye. I think it is a good idea. It's reassuring that no one has developed another aneurysm yet. I'm glad my surgeon in Boston wants to see me every year. My cardiologist here left the group and my yearly check with her is 5 months late. I asked my PCP about it and she said another Cardio left the group so they are backed up. I even called the office and they told me I needed a referral from my PCP. I told her that 2 months ago. I hate changing DR's, but I think I have to. I am glad I am feeling fine.
Mile High, we share the same anniversary date- April 2nd different year 2004.
Kathy H


I just called my sister..and asked her what she could remember about her Hubby ..that died from a dissecting aorta aneurysm..15 years ago at age 50..all she could remember was that 13 months before..he had blood in his poop..and went to doctor where they did a cat-scan and found he had a stomach aneurysm....Fast forward..I remember going over and staying with her in a motel.for early morning surgery on her Hubby. Remember visiting him in ICU....but..he did great.. she thinks it was a repair........Fast forward again....He took care of himself for a few months..but went back to heavy drinking,smoking and eating bad food....He was a huge man..Over 6 ft 7..:eek: ....He cooked supper went to read in bed and felt like he had indigestion....Sister called 911 and he died 24 hours later.:eek: ( worse 24 hours I have ever had)being there for her.....We were all a large hospital.during the night................Now, she did say..his Father died of same thing......Aneurysm......Fast forward again..My Daddy had a stomach aneurysm..found 10 years ago....Lived a great life until he died in his sleep 3 months age 91...........NOT from aneurysm...Bonnie
There's one thing I'm pretty sure of, and that is if you smoke I think your chances of getting an aneurysm are much, much greater. Being that I was only 26 with a 4.7 aneurysm and a smoker since I was 18 I'm willing to bet my smoking habit had a big part to play in that. My cardiologist told me to quit immediately and after doing some research on the internet, I was really wishing I had never start the stupid habit to begin with.

So...if you're not a smoker at least you have that going for ya.
