PVC's heartbeats changing...

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
I have been diagnosed with PVC's that are totally benign, wore a holter monitor? for 1 month and cardio said don't worry about a thing. Set off by chocolate, caffeine and alcohol, perhaps stress. Had them strongly about 6 mo. ago and they subsided.

Anyway, they are back a bit, but the rhythm feels different, closer together. Used to be every 6-8-10 beats, now is a rhythm like 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 5, 3, for a while then more spaced out. Still each episode is about 20 min. max. Does anyone have experience with rhythm changing? And people with benign PVC's, how often does cardio check or do another holter monitor recording over a month?

I feel fine, just noticing the rhythm seems closer together. Will have reg. cardio appt. in a few months, so not really worried, but wonder if I should be?

Thanks, Betsy
Hi Betsy,

I'm no expert, but I am intimately familiar with PVCs. What you're describing sounds more like what I would consider atrial fibrillation. I am not sure of the precise definition but a sustained period of irregularity such as you described sounds more like A-fib. If you haven't described this to your cardiologist, you probably should. I get PVCs numerous times a day, but they manifest as a skipped beat here and there. Rarely, maybe once a day that I can identify, I'll get like 5 quick beats but it's totally isolated. I don't know what that's called. IN your case, a 20 minute episode of irregularity may be nothing but since it is different from what you've been experiencing, you should try to find out if there's anything happening, anything that's changed with your heart. You didn't mention if you're on medication for controlling arrhythmia, but maybe you should be and maybe you need s stronger dose...and maybe not. But I'd sure check with the doc. Good luck and let us know what you learn!
Your cardio probably won't order another holter or king of hearts monitor unless you report a change or worsening of symptoms. They do consider them "benign" and don't really like to treat them unless they start to interfer with your life. If you are concerned, call your Dr. and ask for another monitor.

The thing is, when the irregular beats happen, it is not a rapid heartbeat, just pvc "missed beats". I thought tachardia was rapid and irregular. The beats are the same i was experiencing before when diagnosed with PVC's, but just a little more intense and closer to gether. Will go see cardio if it persists, thanks everyone!!!

Supra Ventricular Tachycardia SVT is when the beats are very fast and REGULAR. (120+)
These beats originate in the atria.
Irregular beats can be A-Fib or A-Flutter.
You can check our glossary on VR for full descriptions.
Does anyone have experience where their benign pvc's turned into something else over time?

Thanks, Betsy
Hi Betsy,

My cardio told me the same thing as Kfaye's. They are not serious, and they did not treat mine either. My cardio is not the least bit concerned. This type of irregular heartbeat is fairly common. Unless you are experiencing something different, or they come a lot more frequently I wouldn't get concerned.