Problems Sleeping

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I am almost 6 weeks post op and for the last 3 weeks have had a horrible time sleeping at night. I will sleep for about 3 to 4 hours and wake up wide awake for the rest of the night untill 5 or 6am. I have tried baths, reading, sleeping in the recliner and watching TV, even walking longer and not taking naps in the daytime. I finnally got so exausted that I had to get sleeping pills from the doctor. I just use the pills on the weekday when I work but I try and see on the weekend if I can sleep without them and still the same problem can't sleep. Any one have similar experiences or done anything that helps you sleep would be greaty appreciated. Never had this problem untill after the surgery and it is so fustrating.

That's a common problem and unfortunately, I don't have an answer, as I'm doing the samething. I think we all are! Anyone else care to elaborate?
hi Faye

hi Faye

I'm six weeks post op here too and I have the same problem ..although I find it hard to get too sleep ...right now it is almost 2 am here in Scotland. I've stopped going to bed and doing the tossing and turning thing because it was just getting me stressed and I felt it was unfair on my husband who gets up early for work ...while this is okay now as I'm still not back at work I know I will not be able to do this when I return.
I had problems sleeping before surgery and the Dr gave me some sleeping tablets ..but she only gave me a two week dose and said that tablets were not the answer ...I go to see my GP next week and I'm going to mention it but if you find an answer before that please let me know .
Take care
Seems I read somewhere that being unable to sleep through the night can be a symptom of depression...I'll try and find where I read that and see if I can refresh my short-term memory (that heart-lung machine! ain't it great!) and get back to you.....I, too, wake up about 2:00 a.m. and lay there until sleep comes again.
My doctor described it to me as it's a side affect of being in the hospital,. I had my nights and days mixed up and anything made me skleep. During the day that is. I would wake up to pee though, as I was on diuretics for a while. Let me tell you NEVER take them at night just before bed! You'll never do it again! Every 15 minutes, I swear! They sid that it was totally normal, and your sleep cycle would goback to normal eventually. Until then, I have no idea what to say toyou...Be well!
Sleeplessness is a common problem. I know I had that problem for several weeks post-op, but 6 weeks after seems to be quite a long time.

I've had insomia before when I was depressed. It's no fun, that's for sure.

I found that I would dwell on it. Every night I would wonder if I was going to get any rest and pray that I would sleep to recharge the body. I would work myself into a mental frenzy. I think I was my worst enemy.

This doesn't sound like your situation since you are sleeping, then waking up, which doesn't sound like it's stress related; which I've been told, often means you can't get to sleep in the first place.

Sorry I can't help, I know how tough it is to get through the day when you're exhausted.
Sleep problems?

Sleep problems?

Seems like we all have had them. I'm four years post op and still don't sleep well. However my advice is stop taking all sleeping pills and avoid long afternoon siestas. In the middle of the night I find Guided Imagery helpful. See if you can get some of Diane Tuseks tapes. I was issued mine from our surgeons office. I do a little better on days when I have done my rehab ( three mile walk in 40-45 minutes) and go to bed fairly late e.g. 11-11:30. We're all different. Experiment until you find whats best for you.

I have to take my diuretic at night. I'm a teacher, and certainly can't leave my classroom every 15 minutes to go to the bathroom. But fortunately I have a pretty large bladder and when I'm asleep I can usually go about an hour without getting up. And I only end up going two or three times at night (used to not get up at all). Now, when I'm awake I seem to go a lot more. Guess I just notice the need quicker then.


I'm so sorry to hear you are STILL having problems sleeping. Did you ever talk to your doc about it and your concerns? I've got you in my prayers.
Sleepless in ?????

Sleepless in ?????

As you read above,we're all in the same boat,but for varied reasons.Mine was a combination of:post op,age,they say the older you get,the less sleep you need(get?)and the fact that my wife was an O.R.nurse,and I was waking up with her at 4:30 am for over 15 years,and that will set a habit also I have a pain running down my left leg from the butt probably from the O.R.table and the bed and sitting sooooo much.I am trying a body pillow and it seems to help a little,but like this am,I was up at 3:00,taking 2 excedrin(they are great)and now I sit here on the forum like so many of us,as ross said we're not night owls,we're insomniacs



Tylenol P.M. and Unisom are both safe for mechanical valves. I only take 1 Tylenol P.M. and 1/2 Unisom..Take 30 minutes before bedtime....but I go to bed early..around 10 p.m. I like to sleep with a fan humming.-*****************************Bonnie:D :D :D
I like to sleep with some of my female fans HUMMING. Unfortunately, as I get further down the road I have fewer fans to hum.

Bye for now, Bon



Bill..... I'm glad you picked up on Bonnies post about the fans,I wasn't about to touch it.;)

Sounds perfectly normal to me Faye.

I would often sleep only one hour at first, then get up for 1 to 3 hours,
sleep another 3 hours, get up, take a bathroom break, eat breakfast, read e-mail, and then take another (morning) nap for 1 to 3 hours. Seemed like this went on for at least a couple (three?) months and I still fall back into that cycle for a night every once in a while at 5 months post op.

Instead of fighting being awake, I would get up and read or mess around on the computer for a while until I felt tired again and then return to bed. Thank goodness I took an early retirement package last year :)

Thank you everyone for your comments. It turely makes me feel soooooooo much better to know that I am not the only insomniac out there. I know, hard to admit, that I am depressed, especially since I couldn't sleep.:mad: and everything has happened to you mentally and physically. You guys all give me hope, especially in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. I just pray it will go away or I might have to get a night job at !!!!:D

Now what are they all going to say when I say that I sleep with a fan humming? I must ponder this question for all of today! :D