Pre-op happy meds?

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
Chicago, IL
When did you get your pre-op happy meds? (or my wine as I like to call it). I can't remember from the last time. Is it right before you go back. I feel like I got it a while before because I remember chatting to the nurse and my husband and giggling a bit.

I'm due to be at the hospital at 5.30 for surgery at 7.00. It really helped chill me out last time. I honestly didn't care I was having surgery after that.
I got my happy meds just a few minutes before I went into the OR while I was in the pre-op area. I don't remember being moved to the stretcher. My sister said that I was somewhat awake, but I do not remember a thing.
I had surgery a few weeks ago...the night before they gave me something to help sleep. Once I was checked in for surgery it seems like soon after my IV was hooked up I went to another world. Everything happened fast. I asked for a "forget me now dose." Arrested Development reference.
I didn't get a pre med - anaethestist explained that they like people to be fully with it when they go from their room to the operating room area as they have found that giving pre-med disorientates, somethng like that. I was admitted the night before and they gave me Zopiclone to sleep but I didn't sleep a wink ! My surgery was at 1.30pm and I occupied myself in the morning by listening to music. They took me to the room next to the operating room where they prepare you about 1pm - I saw the surgeon, the anesthetist and also my endocrinologist popped by to say hello, and I don't remember anymore…unfortunately..…because I love the moment when the aneasthetic takes hold and was looking forward to it !
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I was given 2 happy pills about an hour before being rolled into pre-op. I recall meeting the anesthetist as well as nurse in the 'holding room'. However, I don't remember being moved into the OR.
I was given something orally when I checked into the pre-op area. I guess it took a bit of the edge off while all the prep was going on. I felt fully conscious when wheeled into OR. Not for long after that.

You can ask your Dr. for an Rx for a few tranquilizer pills. My wife needed them more than I did.