Prayers Needed!

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Hi everyone,
I haven't posted for a while because I have been soooo busy being a Mom and taking care of my family. My husband is back at school (he works full time and is getting his masters degree), so I have little quiet time to get on my lap top. It is so good to have the energy to take care of my little ones.
I have a friend who is probably a couple years younger than I. He went in for Aortic valve repair, minimally invasive surgery. It took 7 hours which I think is a long time. When he got out of surgery he had a big swelling around where they had cathed him and his left leg was stiff and the muscle was clenched, or arching his foot like a ballerina on tippy-toes. They called in a specialist and decided that blood flow to that leg had stopped (not due to a clot but to the cath). They did surgery to restore blood flow but since it had been so long (over 8 hours) muscle in his calf had died. He has been in the hospital 9 days now and everyday or every other day he has been there they have had to remove dead tissue from his calf. They leave as much in a as possible so as to obviously have as much function as possible, but it looks like they may have to amputate his leg!!! This ia a nightmare and has really discouraged me from "minimally invasive" surgery! He is the father of 4 year old little girl. His wife is handling it well but they already told her he won't be able to go back to his old career, which involves throwing freight. We are at a crucial time where he may or may not keep his legs so if you could send a few prayers up for him it would be much appreciated.
Also, has anyone ever heard of this happeneing before? Has anyone ever lost a limb fom complications stemming from OHS or minimally invasive? He could use someone to talk to who has been where he has been. Thankyou!
What a terrible complication to have encountered for this young man. I will certainly add him to my prayers.
My Prayers Too

My Prayers Too

I am sorry to hear of your friends complications. I hope they can save his leg. Brian
So sorry to hear this- sending prayers and best wishes that they can save his leg.
Thank you for letting us help through prayer. What a nightmare this has been for him and his family.
I am very sorry to hear about his complications.. I pray that he recover quickly and with minimal issues.
I was scheduled for min. inv. and at the last minute changed my mind..
my surgeon was surprised...but afterwards told me that it was the best choice.. he ran into problems that would not have been handled with min. inv.

again very sorry about your friend.
Oh, yes, you can count on ours too!

Oh, yes, you can count on ours too!

Please keep us posted. Many hugs. Janet
Please let him know he is in our prayers...
This is surely awful for him and his family...
I am sorry that is all I can offer as well...but we are pretty good at praying here and we usually get great results...

God Bless ...
Thank you one and all for your prayers. I saw my friend this morning. He had surgery at the same hospital (different surgeon) than I had and it was so fun to see some of the nurses that helped me three months ago. They get so excited to see their patients feeling well and dressed in street clothes! Very fun.
Anyway, my friend is doing better. He has been in the hospital 10 days and has had 6 surgeries including his heart surgery. They think they got the dead tissue out but only time will tell. If he goes home this weekend he goes home with an open wound. I guess you have to let these kinds of wounds heal from the inside out and it takes a lot of time. We don't know how useful his leg will be and there is a chance if blood flow gets diminished with time he may still lose it but I think the odds are in his favor which make us feel much better. Thanks again for the prayers. I am just so suprised that out of the almost 200 people who have viewed this email no one has any experience or has heard of someone with similar complications.....I guess it goes to show you just how rare it is...thank goodness!
I'm glad things are getting better, i actually know of a couple people this happened too, after heart surgery, 2 that i can think of off the top of my head didn't make it and then last year a little girl almost lost her foot, but miraculously ended up only losing part of her toe, she has a sweetmia.
I will keep your friend and family in my prayers, Lyn
I'm so glad to hear that your friend...........

I'm so glad to hear that your friend...........

is doing better. The prayers will certainly continue here.

I didn't want to say anything last night because I didn't want to upset you, but yes, I do know of one. An adult chder had her fontan redone last year. Her right arm turned black and had obviously lost circulation to it. There was talk of possibly amputating it, but she sadly died before they were able to do anything. (Remember Joanie, Lyn. I still think of her often and shed a few tears. :( I miss her. Her prayer group was so good about always praying for Katie.)

Katie, too, has suffered a more minor form of this. Katie's major femoral vessels have been occluded since her first heart surgery when she was two weeks old and the corresponding marathon hospital stay. She, of course, has formed collaterals, but her sats are always lower in her feet and her heart caths have to be done through her neck as there is no access via the groin. I think being so young at the time of occlusion gave her an advantage in this we will gladly take.

Please keep us posted on your friend. Hugs. J.


yes. joanie was on of the people I was thinking of and then there was poor little Jake that became an angel last week, did you ever look at his pics? Lyn
This sounds to me more like an infection then it does a complication from a Cath, though the Cath may have been the infector. Has he been seen by an Infectious Disease Specialist?
I was thinking the same thing, Ross. I have asked his wife several times if the doctors have mentioned infection but she says "no". She may not fully understand all that is going on. If the tissue is dying over time, it seems to me that there must be an infection. Maybe I will find out more later.