Ponytaila1a is up for MVR on Tuesday, May 26--3rd times a charm!

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I know you're still uncertain whether Tuesday's surgery date will turn out to be the real deal, but I'm confident that it will be a Go!:) Cleveland Clinic is a terrific facility, and you have a great surgeon performing the operation.
Is there someone who can update your status post-op? We'll be waiting to hear that all is well, and you're on the road to recovery.:)
God bless and Godspeed!
Sending my prayers & positive thoughts your way for a successful 3rd OHS. Like others have said, you are going to a top notch hospital with some of the best surgeons & doctors in the nation! You're gonna be fine!

See you when you get back!:)
I hate this. So many of you are within 60 miles of me and I can't even make up to see you. Well I'm there in spirit and judging from the past, I probably own part of the Clinic, though it would be nice to get some kickbacks from them instead of bills.
Wishing you a sucessful surgery and recovery,try to relax the weekend
into mon.and the worst of the wait will be over.This part i found difficult was to wait. My prayers are with you for Tuesday......God Bless

zipper2 (DEB)
best of luck on tuesday. i will be at the clinic for my heart cath and then my surgery on thursday. hope everything goes well with you. going to try to keep myself busy over the weekend so i don't get too anxiuos thankfully the wait is almost over for both of us.
Good luck with everything, Jennifer! I had my surgery there six months ago, and I am totally recovered. They did a great job. Try to relax and take care of yourself.
I hope the best for you during sugery & for a speedy recovery. Good luck & God Bless.
Good luck, Jennifer, and I'll be praying for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. You've had plenty of time to learn all the things that will happen during the recovery, so just relax and enjoy the ride!
Jenneifer- So this week is it. I will be thinking about you , and sending all my good wishes and healing thoughts your way!!!!
Thanks guys for all of the well wishes!! We most likely wlll go to Cleveland tonight.
They called and I don't have to be there until 10AM.......but we are old people and don't want to face the rush hour traffic. I am guessing with that late scheduled time I will be a late PM surgery. I know there are three tomorrow. My son is going to post as soon as the surgeon reports to them.
Thanks again.