Pneumonia aftermath

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2002
Springfield Mo area
I'd appreciate anything folks could tell me about their experiences with pneumonia recovery. Jerry was diagnosed on July 28 after a cough that had already lasted 3-4 wks. He no longer has fever, his appetite is somewhat better, but he still gets SOB with very little exertion, weak legs, he's pale and has lost some weight. He's now having to roll his jean legs up about 2" to keep them from dragging, even with a belt.

The cough now only happens when he inhales deeply.

Our daughter who hadn't seen him in a few days became very alarmed yesterday when he arrived at her house SOB, caused by carrying about 5 lbs of meat in a bag. I've contacted the dr again and he has ordered a CT scan on Mon. As I mentioned in a previous thread, he had one scheduled last week but we canceled it because he was better. I think the Prednisone boost wore off and that's why he's not so well now.

We're probably just too impatient. This is our first experience with pneumonia.
My father had Pneumonia Last Year...

My father had Pneumonia Last Year...

I'd appreciate anything folks could tell me about their experiences with pneumonia recovery. Jerry was diagnosed on July 28 after a cough that had already lasted 3-4 wks. He no longer has fever, his appetite is somewhat better, but he still gets SOB with very little exertion, weak legs, he's pale and has lost some weight. He's now having to roll his jean legs up about 2" to keep them from dragging, even with a belt.

The cough now only happens when he inhales deeply.

Our daughter who hadn't seen him in a few days became very alarmed yesterday when he arrived at her house SOB, caused by carrying about 5 lbs of meat in a bag. I've contacted the dr again and he has ordered a CT scan on Mon. As I mentioned in a previous thread, he had one scheduled last week but we canceled it because he was better. I think the Prednisone boost wore off and that's why he's not so well now.

We're probably just too impatient. This is our first experience with pneumonia.

I don't recall that he lost any weight with his pneumonia, but I can tell you, his cough was non stop and it was so bad at times that it was hurting his ribs....he had no voice, and like your husband, was EXTREMELY SOB when doing anything at all-He thought he was going to die, as he has heart failure as well, and he had all he could do to even get out of bed/or recliner, not to mention walk around or lift anything, as your husband has dealt with. I am thinking that there is a very fine line that a person walks when they have pneumonia on top of heart issues. It took my father the better part of 3 months to really get over it, as he had to also deal with the care and the imminent passing of my grandmother, which I feel that the stress and sadness from that kept him from recovering sooner.

I hope this helps you and your hubby and most importantly, I hope he gets to feeling better ASAP as I know that this is nothing to mess around with especially for heart patients. Hugs, Harrybaby:D:D:D
Pneumonia sucks. I swear it took me 6 months to feel normal after having it. It kicks the crap out of you 2nd to OHS.

everyone here's right, pneumonia can take alot out of a person, it takes alot to open the airways and alveoli back up after that kind of assault and dry them back out. is he on a bronchodilator like albuterol or atrovent?, if not this may help with his SOB, and he should ask his doc about that, other than that, talk to his doc first but things like deep breathing and cough will help keep his small airways open, and keep the junk out of them, and activity will also help with that, I think he really needs to see his doc though just to make sure.

hope this helps

If he's working in the yard, in the heat and humidity, this will certainly impact the speed of his recovery.
I mention it because I seem to remember your saying that he was working outside again.
He's glad I scheduled the CT scan. At first he thought it was unnecessary but he's been feeling worse all weekend and this AM. He's had a temp of 99.5 consistently which isn't much but it means something. He used the nebulizer for the 1st time in over a week because of SOB but it didn't seem to help as much as we'd like. I'm thinking his oxygen level must be pretty low again. We may just drop in on the Dr after the CT scan.

As for working outside, it isn't terribly hot & humid and he tries to stay inside if it is. His work ethic dictates that he "get his strength back up" by doing work, but he sure doesn't stay with it long.