please pray for my nephew

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I just found out today that my nephew, Sidney is in the hospital, for the second time in just a few days. He is 18, and just graduated.

Let me tell you as briefly as possible about his history. When he was an infant, they found out that he had alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, and would someday need a liver transplant. Well, that someday can two days after christmas when he was ten years old. Since then he has been on anti rejection meds. Because of them he lost all of the hair on his body when he was just starting high school. He dealt with that. Now just a couple of days after he graduated, he ended up in the hospital with some form of bacterial pnuemonia, I don't know what kind, though. They sent him home, but had to have someone with him 24 hours a day for ten days. My brother, who is in the army, and in fact at training in Virginia, flew home and was set to leave again tomorrow. he's not going, obviously. At 3AM this morning, Sidney was gasping for breath, so they rushed him back to the hospital, and they told my brother that he has an enlarged heart and fluid around the heart. It is either a viral thing(myo something) or something with his autoimmune system. Either way, I am scared for him. It seems like he can't catch a break. My brother, who rarely cries was just bawling this morning, he had to go to his truck to hide it from Sidney. Please keep him in your prayers! He needs them!
Joy, all my best positive thoughts are working for your nephew. What an incredibly stressful time this must be for your family :( Please keep us up to date with developments as you are able....
I'll be sending plenty of positive thoughts his way Joy.

Wishing Sidney and his family all the best.
Joy I certainly will. This sounds so much like what I go through when my Hemosiderosis acts up. If they can't make a definitive diagnosis, drop a hint for them to check into it. It's very rare, but it's very possible given the hint of Antitrypsin deficiency.
Joy - you never ask for anything, so you get a double dose of prayers from this end. Please let us know how Sidney gets along. Prayers for you all.

How are you now that the job is over?
I have already sent up a prayer for your nephew this morning and he will continue to be in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing this with us. The prayers are on their way.
Hi Joy,

My prayers and thoughts are with your nephew .. God bless you all ..
Joy, I am sending positive thoughts to your nephew, his family and you too.
Joy, my thoughts and prayers are with your nephew. I have such a special place in my heart for teenagers battling these serious illnesses since I'm a high school teacher. Please let him know that all your friends on the forum are pulling for him.

My thoughts and prayers go out to your nephew and family. They truly do work wonders... stay positive.

hi joy!
i am so sorry you and your family have to go through this.
please know that sidney and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
please keep us posted and let us know how he and everyone are doing.
this must be so difficult.
wishing all the best, sylvia

I am hoping that Sidney will weather this storm and that the doctors will be able to get him straightened out. It's so sad that he has had so many very serious medical problems in his young life. He sounds like a tower of strength. That will be a big help, going through this setback.

God Bless.