Plantain Dry Snacks

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Plantain Dry Snacks

Makes: 1 1/2 Cups of Plantain Snacks
Ingredients:Green Plantain 2 – 3,Onion 1 large,Ginger 2 inch piece,Green Chiles 2 – 3
oil 1 tbsp, Lemon Juice 1 tbsp, ,Salt to taste
Method of preparation:Remove ends, remove skin and chop plantain into small pieces. Soak them in water until needed to avoid oxidation.Remove stems, wash and slice thegreen chiles.Peel and roughly the ginger .Peel and finely chop the onion. Grind green chiles and ginger into coarse paste using a spice blender OR chop the green chiles and ginger very fine instead of grinding . Heat 1tbsp oil in a pan, add all green chilli, ginger paste/chopped one and onion. Once onion turns translucent, add chopped plantain, and salt.
Sprinkle a tbsp or two of water and cook covered till plantain turns soft .Add more water if required and stir occasionally to avoid plantain sticking to the pan .Once plantain pieces turn soft, uncover and fry to remove any excess moisture. .Remove from heat and Sprinkle lemon juice an stir .Serve hot or cold

Notes:Make sure to cook plantain well before adding lemon juice.
Suggestions: If plantain snacks tastes less sour, add more lemon to it

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