Pink Skin after exercise

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Seems that when I run now my skin turns a pink color. Is this normal ? Is that just good blood flow and it means my On-X is doing its job ? Im still new to running so Im just trying to know what is normal and when I should be worried.
Sounds like you are doing great with your running. Depending on how hot it is, it may just be your body cooling down. As long as the pink goes away, you sweat really well, and you're hydrating you should be ok. :)
You Know , I have the same problem when I go bike-riding or go up the
stairs too fast,usually when I over exert myself. One time my heart rate
went up with it to 130,but my BP stays NL. My husband was the first to
notice it(my face turning red),and he said that it never occurred before
my VR.
I really don't know what it is or if its good or bad. Only thing I can think
is that our heart was used to working a certain way with our sick/damaged
valves and now it has a new one that it has to learn to 'work with'.
This is just a guess,and as we had our surgery about a month apart , it
could be whatever you are experiencing I am also.
Maybe someone will come along and tell.
My best-Dina:)
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There is an old expression, "in the pink," meaning in the best possible health. So maybe this isn't a problem at all. Just a thought.

Seriously, I suppose bp could be an issue. Wouldn't hurt to monitor it.
At previous job there was a group that went out running at lunchtime. During the winter one year it was about 20 degrees out. One of my coworkers in the locker room saw me getting ready to go workout in the gym and asked me if I was going out running that day, and I told him no, that it was too cold. So he was joking around and called me a wimp. So, even though all I had was gym shorts and a T-Shirt, I went out and did a loop of about a mile anyway. I sure didn't have to worry about heat dissipation on that day. Well, the run went okay but I was glad it was done. After I got back inside my whole body turned red like a boiled lobster and stayed that way for several minutes. So we all got a good laugh out of that!