PFO (Hole in Heart) Answers Needed Please!!

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Hi to everyone-

It's so nice to see familiar and new people on the site. Sounds like Paula (from Finland) is coming through okay.

The problem I'd like to address at this time ...... I had a TEE last Thursday (To John Cochran: It was so much better than the first one, even with the throwing up--didn't remember a thing.) and it showed that I had a PFO (patent foramen ovale) which is basically a hole in the heart. That is why I was having odd visual disturbances. Things make a bit more sense now--when I asked other BAV (bicuspid aortic valve) patients about their symptoms no one had my symptoms.

At any rate--I'm still learning about this newest heart defect I have. IF ANYONE KNOWS ANY INFO. ABOUT THIS PFO (PATENT FORAMEN OVALE) could you please e-mail me--I'm desperate. I'm a little scared of stroking out (although I am on an aspirin a day), so I'd appreciate any prayers you'd all have.

Thanks so very much to everyone for being there. This site is amazing and great and I could not do this without everyone.

Thanks Ross Y-

Thanks Ross Y-

That's a great search engine--I'll wade thru the 6080 bits of information that came up!! Ha-ha. My cardiologist called tonight and something came up on my labs called 'Factor 5 Lipid Mutation' so I'll do a search for that also. I'll need to go see a Hematologist soon. Sounds like I'll be going on Coumadin, though.

Thanks again, Jackie
Good luck on the Factor 5 findings. I had some strange problem come up with my aPPT (Activated Partial Prothrombin Time?) just before surgery. They sent me to a Hemotologist and he ran all sorts of tests and sent them to the Mayo Clinic for evaluation. They never have figured out what the deal is with me. All my other factors came back normal, but after surgery, sure as heck, they had to give me plasma to get my blood to do it's clotting thing. I'm on coumadin now because I had a mechanical valve put in. When I get cut, it bleeds more then usual but stops eventually.

I found one site that explained clotting factors and it sent my head spinning trying to understand it. I'll have to find it and post the link in case it may help you. Here it is Jackie, see if it helps you any. I really think you need a degree in this to understand everything fully:
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Ross Y-

I see what you mean about that site--and I don't have a degree for whatever that is. I did find some info. about this--I guess it's called Factor 5 Leiden Mutation--and you're right about some kind of clotting problem. What I don't understand is that most of what I've been reading about PFO's (that hole in my heart) is that it should be repaired, but my cardiologist said Coumadin w/no repair, because of this Factor 5. Well, maybe the Hematologist will have some answers for me. I'll be loaded w/tons of info. and questions--he'll hate me when it's over!

Thanks again. Jackie
Jackie if he hates you because of questions, fire him and find another. I had an Iraqi hemotologist. The guy was hard to understand, but by the time he was done with my badgering and barage of questions, his American speaking improved quite a bit!
I still laugh about it. He is an excellent Doctor no matter how he speaks or what country he is from. He left no stone unturned in testing, in fact, he ordered a test that they no longer do!. :D
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