Patrick's surgery on Monday

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Hi Patrick-

Monday is your "new heart day". Just in case you will be leaving a day ahead or something like that, I'd like to wish you the very best surgical results. I hope that someone can post for you so we know how things went.

Bon Voyage and smooth sailing!

Talk to you later.
Good Luck

Good Luck

But I know you will be just fine. Let us hear from someone soon after your surgery...Bonnie
Hello Patrick, and welcome to the BIG APPLE!!! Both Tyce and I wish you the best, but know all will be well and you will be fine. If you need anything while you're there, or would just like to talk, I gave you our number....631 722-3311. We're around except for a trip to VA to look at a house next weekendish.....Please don't hesitate to call. Go with God, you will be in our prayers.

Evelyn and Tyce
Wishing you the best of luck on Monday, You will be in my thoughts and prayers and we'll see you when you get over the mountain. Take care and God Bless!
It goes pretty much without saying, that you have all of us behind you, praying and thinking about you the entire time your in the hospital and when you get home.

I wish for you peace, a successful surgery, and a short recovery.
See you on the other side of the mountain. ;)

I want to wish you the very best with your surgery tomorrow. I know everything will go just fine and you will be feeling back to your old self or probably better in no time. I hope someone can let us know how you are doing after the surgery. Good Luck and God Bless!

Take Care!
Patrick - I know you won't see this before your surgery, but when you do, please know that you were/are in my prayers for quick success and recovery. By this time, you are being prepared for your trek up the mountain (5:30 a.m.) and it won't be long before you are back in your bed. We will wait here for you - just hang in. GODSPEED