One Year Check Up Early

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Hi all,
I had my one year cardiology check up today a month early. My actual one year surgical anniversary is August 15. The whole saga started a year ago today with a stress test that led to a cardiac cath and the following week, July 21 an ECHO that revealed I needed OHS.
I was understandably very nervous about the ECHO and cardiac exam today. I always have mutilple PVC's and the ticker didn't disappoint anyone on that score. Thankfully, the ECHO was good. I am so not used to getting good news I really don't know how to act. The preop mild PH is gone, the valve repair is working beautifully.
I still have to see the electrophysiologist in 3 wks. I have an implanted loop recorder. I would love to get rid of it early but will just have to wait and see.
I started with the mitral valve "disease"-didn't call it MVP when I was 14. I am wayyyyy older than that now and have dealt with being different all my life. I am still different but I have a functioning mitral valve.
Just wanted to share with all of you because you are really the only people who could understand what I have been through.
Thank you for listening.


on a good repair!!! I know exactly how you feel on this 1st anniversary; my surgery for MVP repair was July 27, 2005. I am so glad you're doing well - I have a check up and ECHO in September and I can hardly wait to learn how my valve is doing. I no longer have a murmur, but I do still have a trivial leak. I am sorry about your PVc's and recorder but perhaps these too will work themselves out. Can't believe you found out at 14, I was 22 when I learned of my MVP. It worsened over the years and you know the rest. Take care and again, so glad you got a great valve repair!
Congratulations on your almost 1st anniversary and such a good report. Enjoy your new found health!
Joanne -

Joanne -

Congratulations on your one-year anniversary of a successful mitral valve repair!! I remember also that my MVP was called "just" a heart murmur until I was in my 20s and I first heard the words mitral valve prolapse.

I hope your repair will last you your lifetime (a very long one at that)!

Christina L


on a great checkup! I know you sighed with relief. Many hugs. J.
Thank you

Thank you

Thanks to those of you who responded so far. I really appreciate the support. I told my doctor that I had never before had a good cardiac check up so I didn't know how to act-I meant it. It is still just beginning to sink in that the valve is fixed and doing what it should. I have had the PVC's for 31 years. Wish they could find a way to fix them too but I can't ask for everything.
Thanks again for being there.
Each year that we celebrate our OHS anniversaries are special but the first one seems to be the best. Congrats on almost being there and on a great checkup.
1 Year On

1 Year On

It's a fantastic feeling 1 year on when they report that everything is normal. When I was told 12/2005 that my heart had returned to normal from gross enlargement and heart failure and I could discontinue most of the drugs I was ecstatic that I was finally recovered. I am now looking forward to the next 10+ years as normal until the valve gives out. :)