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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Hello Everyone,

I leave in a week for Cleveland Clinic. I am 48 years old with two young children and an active lifestyle. I am scheduled for an aortic aneurysm repair and av replacement by Dr. Svensson. I am leaning towards the St. Judes and coumadin, but still reading a lot of posts on valve choice and thinking about my options. Not an easy decision!

I feel good about my decision for the surgery and what to thank everyone here for all the support and postings, what a blessing! Marguerite will post on how the surgery and recovery go.

Thanks, everyone! Betsy
Hi Betsy. You are going to a great hospital and I just know you will be fine. I hope you can relax this week and enjoy Thanksgiving and we will look forward to hearing from Marguerite that all went well.
Keep a smile as your umbrella

Keep a smile as your umbrella

I remember the last week before my husband's surgery. I was a total wreck and he was as cool as a cucumber. When I asked him about his feelings, he said, "we worry about different things." I guess that's right.

Al wanted his surgery over with so that he could enjoy his new lease on life. He also wanted to enjoy the wonderful weather in the Southwest. We live in Tempe, AZ. Both of those things came true.

I hope you have an easy surgery, a rapid recovery, a new lease on life. And, I hope the Southwest weather will be just perfect for you.

Kindest regards,
Best wishes on your journey over the mountain, Betsy. Take this week and have some fun, especially since it's the USA Thanksgiving holiday, as you'll have a bit of work ahead of you recovering so you can get back to enjoying your active lifestyle.
Hi Betsy,

You sound very good!! This may be a tough and downs.....questions and uncertainties. That's all normal!! I'm sure you are better prepared than you realize.

I guess the chest x-ray was clean? All right,'re off on your countdown! :)

Thank you for letting me post for you while you are at Cleveland. I know there will be many people from sending you their prayers and well wishes while you're sound asleep and under the anesthesiologist's watchful eye.

Best wishes!

good luck betsy

good luck betsy

Betsy, I had aortic valve replaced almost 20 years ago and had an ascending aneurysm repair 6 months ago. Just before my surgery I wrote to this website about my concerns with an active lifestyle being thwarted. I can tell you with CERTAINTY that you will be better than ever once this is behind you. I am living proof that you can recover fully even with a second surgery as are so many others on this great website. BEST OF LUCK as you get this all behind you and back to your active lifestyle and motherhood. BTW, I have a ST JUDE valve that was perfect after 20 years and did not need to be replaced when they fixed my aneurysm. I highly recommend them! How big is your aneurysm and how big are you? Just curious as my local doctor initially told me to wait to have mine repaired as it was not considered big enough. However, I am just 4 ft 11 inches tall and 96 lbs and it was info from this website that helped me push for surgery sooner due to my petite size. I am so glad I took care of my aneurysm as it was beginning to dissect when the surgeon got to it.
We will all be cheering for you. Happy Thanksgiving.


Thank you all for the support and encouragement. Scrappy, I am 48, and the aneurysm is 5.3cm and I'm 5'4", so I can see it is time. Your letter was especially encouraging that the valve was in great shape after 19 years. and I imagine you are on coumadin and not finding that a problem.

Now that the reality of being on Coumadin is just weeks away, all the alternatives, tissue valves,possible furture percantaneous valve replacements are seeming tempting. But my initial feeling at my age was St. Jude's, so I'm still leaning that way. with two weeks to go to surgery time, I will just hope to have made up my mind by then!

But best of all is all the optimism, strength and courage of everyone on this site, that has helped me to keep a positive approach and go forward!

Thanks, Betsy

Best wishes for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. We will be rooting for you.

Stay strong!!
Betsy, this is probably going to be your toughest week of the whole journey. All the what ifs going crazy, the anxiety of family depending on you and just about everything else will go through your head.

In the end, you have to do what you feel you are going to be the most comfortable with and excepting of in your life.

I had my surgery 16 years ago. I had a kindergartener and a 2nd grader at home, and a husband who worked 70 hour work weeks (so I was the main support for the kids in the home). I've had the opportunity to look back and be thankful that the mechanical valve that was installed allowed me to get my children through to college without interrupting their lives any more with a sick Mommy. I had already spent 5 years being pretty sick prior to my surgery. Fortunately for me, I also got them through college - and now I'm a grandma (thanks to the, then 2nd grader), and I'm traveling to France in February to visit my daughter (then the kindergartener) who is now teaching in Provence. (This will be my 3rd trip to Europe since my surgery.) My St. Jude valve is still looking very good. If by chance it needs replacing tomorrow, I will never regret having it. Coumadin has been pretty much a non-issue for me so far and has been a small price to pay.

That being said - at this point in your life - any valve selection will be a good choice for you because you are saving your life by having the surgery. It will allow you to look forward.... and live forward.

I look forward to reading the good news of your very successful surgery and smooth recovery.


Thoughts/prayers are coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
Betsy, my thoughts and prayers will be with you this week also. Many have already said that the few days before surgery were hard ones emotionally. My husband took our oldest son and Daughter-in-law and me to Mexico to decompress a bit. At that time I really felt pretty rotten and didn't have the energy to do some of the things that I would normally do but it sure helped being in such a beautiful place relaxing with people I love. When we got home I finished topping off the pantry with extra supplies such as smaller containers of laundry detergents, bleach, softener and the like. It is hard for me to ask for help and I tried to anticipate some of the things I would need. I had made some meals and frozen them ahead and my daughter-in-laws made low sodium recipes so I would have some very heart healthy meals in the freezer.

The night before I checked in to the hospital I laid in bed thinking ahead of the next few days. In just a few days there I was again in my own bed thinking about what had transpired and feeling so thankful that there I was and had been blessed with a new valve to replace the diseased one.

It sounds like you have done your homework and are well prepared. I think too that much prayer is needed for strength and guidance, forgiveness and peace, and much thanksgiving for the opportunities that are available to us.

I hope all goes well for you and that soon you will be home again with your children. It is a great feeling to walk back into your own home!

Our hopes, thoughts and prayers go with you to Cleveland and beyond.

You sound very prepared and I am sure you will do fine.
The Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Svensson are the best. I had BAVR in September at CCF with Dr. Svensson and I was back to work in three weeks. I am now nearly eight weeks post-op and I am feeling better than I have in years.

You have made the difficult decisions and now is the time to try and relax and enjoy your family prior to your surgery.
I know that sounds impossible, but I attended my grandson's football game and had friends over the weekend prior to my surgery. It helps to keep your mind busy.

Have faith in the CCF and Dr. Svensson and we will look forward to hearing from you on the other side of the mountain (take it from someone who has just recently made the journey, the view from this side of the mountain is terrific)........

BAVR - September 24, 2007
Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Lars Svensson
Carpentier Edwards Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve
There You Go

There You Go

Betsy, You'll be in the best of hands! We'll all be thinking of you, and looking forward to your posts on the other side of the mountain. All the best, Brian
Best of luck to you Betsy! You couldn't go wrong by going to the CHC -- they are the #1 top rated hospital in the nation. That is where I believe I will be setting my sights on in the near future too!

For now, enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday w/your loved ones & then look forward to living a long & wonderful life after your surgery!:)

Best wishes,