one week out

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Madison, Georgia Go Dawgs!!
Well I'm a week out of surgery and feeling pretty good except for my breastbone, sholders, and muscles associated. How long can I expect to feel the severe achiness I have now?

I had the aches in the shoulders (more like pain) for about a month or so. Massage works wonders and so do warm blankets (got those from the nurse in the hospital). Best of luck!
Glad to hear that your home. Just take one day at a time there and try to keep the shoulders 'back' (not forward) when you walk and slowly push the shoulders down. Them muscles have gone threw a lot. I'm only mentioning this because I learned the hard way... I still have to remind myself to keep the shoulders back and stretch downward as my shoulders still want to come forward.

Best wishes

I posted this on your "update" thread
Dick had the shoulder pain for at least a month- Tylenol and massage helped a lot.
Welcome home!

I found my shoulder/back pain got better as soon as I stopped walking around with a death grip on my heart pillow...low back pain at night continued and I should have had the wits to do a walking session at night. Surgeon's NP advised moist heat, which helped.

Best wishes for continuing event-free recovery!
Welcome home. My muscle achiness subsided over the course of several months, the first 3 being the worse, although probably a full year before it was complete gone. After the first few months it was experienced as good days and bad days. Best wishes for a smoth recovery.
Congratulations on your climb. I am trying to "embrace my aches! They are a result of the effort and what a great outcome. We're both a week out. I'm trying to force myself to not hold myself so tensely - intentional relaxing has helped me. Good luck, barbara
Congratulations on your climb. I am trying to "embrace my aches! They are a result of the effort and what a great outcome. We're both a week out. I'm trying to force myself to not hold myself so tensely - intentional relaxing has helped me. Good luck, barbara
5 weeks out and ...

5 weeks out and ...

... My shoulders still ache some. The PAIN stayed for about 2 weeks then just hard to move aches. At 3 weeks, I got a knot in by back at the shoulder blade and I still have it. My wife has worked on it a few times but it returns. gettin better though. I really felt better when I STOPPED needing the RX pain meds. Went from every 5 hrs to only at night to just XS TYLENOL. Use em if you need em but try to refrain if you can. By 3 weeks I was using only at night. Good Luck!