On-X at Cleveland Clinic

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Randy & Robyn

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2005
My wife and I head for Cleveland Clinic on Sunday. I have a full day of tests Monday. Tuesday I meet with the preop team and Dr. Pettersson, my illustrious surgeon.

It has also become official that I will be able to get my On-X after all. A vendor has been contacted to supply the valve and a nurse from MCRI, the manufacturer of the On-X, will be in attendance at my surgery. I will be the first patient at CC to have the On-X implanted.

It also sounds like I might have become the impetus for Cleveland Clinic to begin utilizing the On-X in their valve surgeries. Dr. Pettersson thanked me for sparking several internal discussions amongst the surgeons there concerning the potential benefits the On-X might provide their patients.

Both Dr. Lytle and Dr. Pettersson expressed their interest in the valve and admitted it had several features that could well be advancements over other mechanical valves. Dr. Petterssonn said it was hard not be impressed with the technology.

I am quite certain they would in no way be interested in participating in the reduced anticoagulation trial recently approved by the FDA for the On-X. Dr. Pettersson said it may be possible for this valve to perform well on plavix or just aspirin but to find out you have to take risks with patient's lives and they are not willing to accept that.

I did mention to Dr. Pettersson that I have had several major nosebleeds in the past few years, one that required a trip to the ER. He said that was a yellow flag for anticoagulation and scheduled me to see an ENT specialist during my preop testing. He feels that could be an issue to consider at our meeting on Tuesday. I am hoping they will find nothing to contraindicate a mechanical valve. A third surgery would not be a pleasant prospect.

I would like to point out that in a recent posting, a fellow mentioned that he had been prone to frequent nosebleeds, but hadn't had a single one since he started taking Coumadin. Seems an unlikely cause-and-effect, but who knows? Maybe it'll work for you, too. Or perhaps it will wind up with a quick nasal cautery at the ENT before surgery. One more small abuse.

I'm so pleased that you stuck to your guns and finally brought the On-X to the CCC. It's an achievement to bring enlightenment to the monks' own mountain. I hope you will eventually be able to move to a lowered anticoagulant level, or a less potent ACT.

Very best wishes,
Very cool! Maybe you could get ON-X to give you the valve for free since you are potentially getting them in to the CCF valve business LOL. Hey, the worst thing they can say is no!
If you happen to meet Dr Lytle--give him my best and tell him I said Hello and I'm doing great. He looks like Albert Einstein, he's hard to miss.
Good luck with your visit!

Congrats on reaping the rewards of all your work and research. Even if it turns out that full ACT is needed with the On-X, you will still be THE factor in getting it to the CC and you will have a great valve yourself.

Thanks for all the people coming after you. This is how progress is made.
Randy- This is exciting news!

Randy- This is exciting news!

Being the first at CC with a new valve is a big deal. All of the many Dr.
Petterson pts. here are very happy for you and the great surgeon! Maybe, there will be a press release.
I'm jealous of you, but very happy for you! Make sure you let Dr. Pettersson and his assistant Mike(a super guy) know how much his pts. appreciate them here at VR.com.
I know your going to do great!
perkicar- your right!

perkicar- your right!

ON-X should give Randy a free valve. That is the least they should do for
person who got their valve in at CC. Since his insurance will cover it anyway, I doubt it will make a difference to Randy. They owe him big time!
BTW I always thought Dr. Lytle looked more like Tommy Silva, the general
contractor on "This Old House".

perkicar said:
Very cool! Maybe you could get ON-X to give you the valve for free since you are potentially getting them in to the CCF valve business LOL. Hey, the worst thing they can say is no!
If you happen to meet Dr Lytle--give him my best and tell him I said Hello and I'm doing great. He looks like Albert Einstein, he's hard to miss.
Good luck with your visit!
RCB said:
ON-X should give Randy a free valve. That is the least they should do for
person who got their valve in at CC. Since his insurance will cover it anyway, I doubt it will make a difference to Randy. They owe him big time!
But there are a few things they could do for Randy. Pay for a private room, pay for pre and post admission lodging, etc.
I wonder who we should send the petition to and who wants to sign it?:D :D ;)
geebee said:
But there are a few things they could do for Randy. Pay for a private room, pay for pre and post admission lodging, etc.
I wonder who we should send the petition to and who wants to sign it?:D :D ;)
absolutely! What a great idea, Gina! I'll be happy to sign it.
Racing season starts in a little more than a month!
geebee said:
But there are a few things they could do for Randy. Pay for a private room, pay for pre and post admission lodging, etc.
I wonder who we should send the petition to and who wants to sign it?:D :D ;)

I couldn't agree more! That would be the icing on the cake!


Nathan wanted the On-X so much!! So happy to see that you made such great progess at the best heart valve center! You may have paved the way for so many future patients....Wow, this is super news!

It sounds like you are doing great! You are going to be in our thoughts next week. I presume you are going to be checking in as often as possible ;) and let Robyn know we are thinking of her too!! Take care guys....
Randy & Robyn said:
I couldn't agree more! That would be the icing on the cake!

I am doing some research. I will keep you all posted.
Great news Randy!

As far as the nose bleeds go, I'm wondering if you don't have a fragile vessel in the nose or sinus that can be cauterized. My bro-in-law had many nose bleeds (a few trips to the ER) and they finally dx'd a fragile vessel and cauterized it. He hasn't has any since.
Congrats Randy

Congrats Randy

You are indeed in great hands with Dr. P. He is awesome.
Be sure to tell him we all say hi from VR.com.

As far as that petition goes, I'm in.

Take care Randy and Gods Speed.

Sending you best wishes and congratulations on the On-X. I just know this time around is going to be a great success and you can add us to the petition for a private room and all other kinds of "perks"- you deserve it! Thanks for being a persistent pioneer.:) Reminds me of Dick's crusade to get the Magna valve when Brigham was one of the few hospitals that had started to use it. Thought he was going to walk out the day before surgery if they didn't assure him that they had one for him!:eek:
Hey Randy,

Congrats on the On-X - maybe you can become the company's spokespatient, then they'll give you all kinds of perks ;) .

Re: the nosebleeds, there was a discussion a while back about it being somehow related to aortic stenosis. Jim had aortic regurgitation, but for years prior to his AVR he had the most horrific nosebleeds. He had to get a blood vessel cauterised several times and still they kept coming. But (touch wood) since about a week after his surgery, he hasn't had any nosebleeds, and the ones he did have were only minor. Weird huh? We put it down to his pre-surgery systolic BP being so high in conjunction with a weak blood vessel. So hopefully it won't be a reason for you to avoid the On-X.

We'll be waiting for Robyn in the post-op forum :D .

Best wishes,

In lieu of getting a petition together and taking up more time, I contacted MCRI (the manufacturer's of On-X) and suggested they thank Randy in some way other than words. I received a rather positive reply that I fowarded to Randy. I hope they do something really nice for Randy since he has done so much for them.

Good luck, Randy, and Godspeed.