Oh, boy. More FUN with anti-arrythmics!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Should I bother calling my cardio about this? (I already know the answer, but I am so tired of all these new drugs!!!)

Doc started me on Rythmol about 10 days ago. It's a stronger, not often-used "anti-dysrythmic" mostly meant for people who have A Fib. The reason Doc put me on it is because despite all the adjustments to my previous sotalol (Betapace), I was still having TONS of PVCs. Because he says I'm "in the middle" when it comes to structural heart defects (only my mitral valve is/was defective) and is not meant for people with such issues, he put me on it.

I'm aware of all the possible side effects, one of which is constipation, and this seems to exacerbate the problem since I already have enough problems with IBS; and, I read some warnings about it on the FDA website http://www.fda.gov/cder/warn/2006/Rythmol_wl.pdf --this link is a warning letter about Rythmol which sort of freaked me out--I went in for an EKG last Friday after taking four doses. Everything was fine.

However, yesterday I had VTach and I haven't had that in some time. It wasn't as severe as one I'd had 10 years ago that ended up with me in the ER (and nothing came of that since my heart rhythm stabilized immediately after the episode). That time, I nearly blacked out. But this time, I felt dizzy and my heart rate spiked for about 10-15 seconds.

I'm not sure I like this new drug. It's been on the market since 1989, and although it seems to be controlling the PVCs, I certainly didn't like having the VTach. The only times I'd had difficulty with VTach before was when I'd miss a whole day of my sotalol.

I respect my cardio and I know he wouldn't put me on any dangerous drug if he knew it would be harmful, but I'd just like to hear your thoughts.

Debi (debster913)
Debi, unfortunately for every drug we take there is the chance of an adverse reaction as well as the good it may do. I would not hesitate to call the cardio and tell him about this and your doubts and fears. We are our own best advocates!
vtach is more dangerous than pvc's. Sounds like this might be something you can't take.

Just an aside; I discontinued verapamil (calcium channel blocker) after an episode of what I'm pretty damn sure was V-tach and many persistent episodes of PVC's. I've been fine ever since. Some people don't respond positively to drugs and they have a paradoxical effect. We might be that group of people that don't seem to respond positively to a particular treatment, and actually get worse.
Debi, I was on Flecainide for years and like Rhymol, it isn't recommended for structual heart defects but I was on it nevertheless. Both the drugs are very potent. I'd watch it very closely since you don't want to end up with worse problems than what it is trying to help. V-tach is nothing to mess around with.
Absolutely talk to your cardio - he definitely needs to know if you're having any adverse reactions and can assess whether you need to come off it, or if you dose should be altered, etc.

I hope you can get it sorted.

A : )


OK, called my cardio's nurse this afternoon. I told her about the V-Tach and the relentless constipation...she told me to "hold on" until next Tuesday when I see the electrophysiologist, but to call right away if I have any more problems.
