Noufissa's surgery went very well

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From what the surgeon said right from the get-go, the Maze procedure takes anywhere from 3-6 months to work, and it works in the 70 percent range, at least the microwave type like Noufissa had. So I guess it's a waiting game.

She was feeling a little better this afternoon.
Noufissa is home on Long Island, finally

Noufissa is home on Long Island, finally

Noufissa was discharged last evening. It's been a really long hospital stay. But she is in normal sinus rhythm, for now and she does feel better.

Dr. McClarty and the Stony Brook Hospital were wonderful to her.
Nancy - Thanks for the good news about Noufissa. It is just the best feeling to be home. Good to hear that she is in normal rhythm. I think the healing helps that. Please tell Noufissa that I'm very pleased about how she's doing, through the interpreter, of course.
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all your messages. My mother-in-law was very touched.

Noufissa had her first post-surgery check-up with the nurse practioner at Stony Brook and so far so good. We will see Dr. McLarty on Nov. 7. She is doing ok. She has good days and bad days as I am sure you all have had.

Has anyone had trouble eating after the surgery? She doesn't want to eat much and she is extremely picky now and sometime she has trouble swallowing. It seems like almost everything bothers her. I am sure that some of this is from the medication. She is on Betapace.

Also, she has been very concerned about her scar and says that it causes her a lot of pain. I did read another thread concerning this and saw some of your responses. I will let her know that this is normal. She was lucky because she had a surgeon who doesn't believe in using staples in the chest. She has a very neat incision and subcutaneous stiches. I think she is luckier than some. I think her scar will look fine once she heals.
Great news!

The lack of appetite is normal. The body is loaded with all sorts of drugs and the trauma doesn't help. This and the heart lung machine take a toll. Some of us have a lot of trouble sleeping, there are sometimes visual problems some lose their appetite, most have some memory problems and unfortunately for my wife - some of us turn into big whiny babies.

It can take a while for things to get back to normal. Even a couple of months post-surgery, some of them will still pester us.

Don't worry too much, but please encourage her to keep eating. It's important to keep her strength up so she can heal.

She's very lucky to have such a close family that cares about her. After a good attitude, having a good support system is everything in my opinion.