Not sure what to think....

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Active member
Feb 16, 2012
Greenwood, In
Got the results phone call today and am more confused then ever!! Waiting to get my copy of the report in the mail still. anyways a bit of back story, diagnosed in February with BAV with mild stenosis (valve area 1.4-1.6). Had another echo in July which showed valve area down to 1.1-1.2 as well as ascending aortic aneurysm of 4.1. Doc wanted quarterly echos due to fast progression. Went on Monday (10/15) for my first quarterly. During the echo I was kinda questioning things, because the process was totally different then normal and didn't take near as long. Got finished with it and fast forward to today. The nurse called and said everything was perfect. So I ask her what the valve area was, she said she couldn't find anything in the report that said. Ok I let that one go, figured I would find it once I got my copy in the mail. So I then ask her what the size of the aneurysm was, her response was what aneurysm. I said the one that was mentioned in my echo in July. She looks through my chart and sees that yes it states it, goes on to say that this report gives my root at 3.1. Says it doesn't mention anything about the ascending being dialated at all. I told her I want an appt to talk to my cardio about all this, so I go this wednesday. Sorry so long, just confused.
Well, that IS confusing! :eek2:
When you get the copy of the report, you should have a basis for comparison. Don't forget, echo results can vary from time to time. If these results are accurate, it's possible the cardio will put you on six month check-ups. Let us know what you're told at Wednesday's appointment.:smile2:
Went to my cardio appt this morning, due to the confusing echo results. He said that things are still pretty much the same in terms of my valve size and aneurysm size. But as he was questioning me about my symptoms, he said it was time for surgery since my symptoms are getting worse. He is scheduling me for a TEE, CT scan, and a cath, then referring me out to a surgeon.