Not sure it is worth it.

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I am in the waiting room. I am 58 years old I had an echo done about 6 months ago and have another one set up for next month. I will need an AVR in the future. I have other health issues that I have not found the root of, so if my heart doc says it is time............well, just not sure I want to go there. I have noticed I am just plain tired all of the time anymore. Guess that could be my heart. I also am dealing with many aches and pains. My RA factor is on the high side. I am set to see a rheumatology doctor next month as well. Do you ever feel that you just don't have the strength to fight it anymore??? I just feel too tired and weak sometimes to even think about making it through an operation.
Georgi, I had some feelings like that; I felt that way too. When I was getting more ill as my valve was deteriorating, I really feel that I knew inside that I was dying. And, even though I love life, I had kind of resigned myself to it. I had those bad feelings though, because I was dying.

As soon as I got the new valve, those feelings were all gone! Also, a lot of vague but troublesome health issues that had been pulling me down went away with the new valve, things that I would never have suspected were caused because of the bad valve.

I had no idea that a new valve could allow me to feel so much better. I hope it may be that way for you too.

Edit - Do you think your thyroid situation could be contributing to these depressed thoughts also?
I was 30 when I was feeling that way, so I don't think your age is the main factor in your feelings. Also be aware that depression is commonly associated with heart valve issues, so this may be affecting you as well (or thyroid, as Susan mentioned). If you are feeling short of breath and it's due to your valve, sounds like you are ready to have it replaced.

You are young at 58! Much too early to give in. One of our long-time members had nursed her husband through many years of heart issues, and had to deal with breast cancer herself. She lives her motto (famous on VR) "Never give in and never give up!"

I don't have the same set of ailments, but yes when my aortic valve and root replacement was pending, I at one point thought: what if I just don't do this? Do I really want to go through this?

I am glad I did because I am feeling well and very active again. I think there is a good chance AVR would make you feel less weary -- after a process of recovery -- but of course there can be no guarantees. I think most of us, though, go through a little denial about having this done. My perspective is that, yes, it's better to go on and fight, and a better life may well result.
you will never know unless you try it. As Nancy says every day 'never give up and never give in'. Yes, you are tired. But today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. I bet you will get it done and feel a whole lot different. We will be right with you all the way and somebody in here is very likely to say the exact words you need to hear to keep you going. So, don't leave us. Some of us might be just the one to help. Blessins............
I know that I am coming across feeling sorry for myself, but really I am just so very tired. I thought that after my parathyroid surgery that I would feel better and my bones would not hurt anymore. Well My bones still hurt. I feel exhausted all of the time. If I do anything, It takes me a day to recover. I think I might be dealing with more than one health issue, but I don't know. Why are my bones still hurting ? Am I exhausted because of my heart or is it something else?Getting timly doctor appointments is a nightmare. Every doctor is always booked months out. I feel that I could just die in the process of it all. Thanks for letting me come to this site and hugged. I needed that.
Hi Georgi,

There are so many things that can be connected to valve issues. Some people have surgery and have no prior symptoms at all. Others have many issues and the surgery is a true blessing. My blood chemistry was all messed up prior to my surgeries and that caused muscle cramps, exhaustion, hair loss, joint pain, etc. etc. etc., to say nothing of the palpitations and breathing issues. Most of those totally disappeared after recovery was complete.

If you feel you do not have the strength to carry on, you have nothing to lose by having the surgery.

Give it a try and you will probably be very happy you did.
If your heart is not pumping properly, I would assume your blood oxygen level is low and this affects EVERYTHING whether mood, intellectual accuity, muscle health, you name it.

If you are a good candidate for surgery and trust your physician and surgeon, that this is the right course of treatment, odds are that your quality of life will improve greatly.

Good luck and take care.
FWIW, I just felt totally exhausted for a month or so before my AVR. Had no energy at all. I can remember one day in particular when I tried to wash my car in the driveway. I got so tired halfway through that I had to sit down on the wet driveway and lean back against my car.
I figured having the surgery was the only way for me to get any quality of life back. Plus, my cardiologist told me without the surgery I had about three years left. That was almost eight years ago. So far so good.
Hang in there.
You probably aren't feeling well because you need the surgery. What you are describing is typical of how my husband felt before having any of his surgeries.

You are still very young, even though you don't feel it.

Don't ever give up without a good old fashioned fight! Surgery may be just what is needed.

Stay with the wonderful folks here. It will be a great source of comfort and inspiration to you!

You hang tough, perhaps help is right around the corner!
I know that I am coming across feeling sorry for myself, but really I am just so very tired. I thought that after my parathyroid surgery that I would feel better and my bones would not hurt anymore. Well My bones still hurt. I feel exhausted all of the time. If I do anything, It takes me a day to recover. I think I might be dealing with more than one health issue, but I don't know. Why are my bones still hurting ? Am I exhausted because of my heart or is it something else?Getting timly doctor appointments is a nightmare. Every doctor is always booked months out. I feel that I could just die in the process of it all. Thanks for letting me come to this site and hugged. I needed that.


One other point: Don't ever feel as though you are just coming across as "feeling sorry for yourself" on here. We all are works in progress here -- we all share our problems, vent -- me probably more than my share. :) But invariably you get a good uplifting perspective, good information, and we go on. So please feel free to use this forum. Sorry, I don't have an answer about the pain -- just a thought, have any of your doctors recommended a pain management specialist? I went to one for a back problem years ago, and it eventually led to physical therapy, which helped. Just a thought.

Anyway, hang in there!
I am in the waiting room. I am 58 years old I had an echo done about 6 months ago and have another one set up for next month. I will need an AVR in the future. I have other health issues that I have not found the root of, so if my heart doc says it is time............well, just not sure I want to go there. I have noticed I am just plain tired all of the time anymore. Guess that could be my heart. I also am dealing with many aches and pains. My RA factor is on the high side. I am set to see a rheumatology doctor next month as well. Do you ever feel that you just don't have the strength to fight it anymore??? I just feel too tired and weak sometimes to even think about making it through an operation.

You my friend, have been through even more then I and I feel like this daily. I think it's part of why I come here. While I'm just slightly jealous of the outcomes we have around here, it keeps me from calling it quits. For every bad day I have, there comes a good one or two. I guess my answer is, so long as your alive, it's your duty to try to remain that way until it's your time. We just don't know when that time will come.

"There is a test to see if your mission on earth is finished. If you are alive, it isn't."
This is the place to vent. Many of us have been through our times where we just wanted to chuck it all in. I used to say "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." And I meant it with every fiber of my being. Go to your appointments next month and don't take "no" for an answer. Let your cardio know exactly how you feel. If you feel you are just to worn out to even care about next month, call them now and tell them you need to come in.

Many of us have "been there, done that" so no one thinks you are feeling sorry for yourself needlessly.
I am so sorry to hear about the problems you have been having, compounded by difficulty in getting doctors' appointments. Medical support is so important.

Have you ever thought about contacting The Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona, or the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix? This wonderful facility is dedicated to patients and we have always been able to get appointments within a few days of calling. The Mayo Clinic Hospital in Arizona is one of the top places for heart patients in the US.

I know you would be in very good hands at the Mayo. My husband is currently being treated for a non-heart related problem. A few years back, I had robotic surgery there...also for a non-heart related problem. I recommend them whole heartedly and without reservation.

Kind regards,
You've come to the right place to vent. We're here to offer our support. Hang in there. All I can say is life is good when you're on this side of the mountain. It's worth it. Best wishes.

I too felt like I didn't have any strength to do anything pre-op. A friend saw me a few days before my 2nd cardio consult and said, "Maybe you'll find out you don't need surgery." I was stunned. Not need surgery? I felt so crappy I was afraid I wouldn't make into the OR.
I had surgery within 3 weeks.
Once you get your AV fixed, you will notice a great deal more energy.

You mention a high RA factor. Do you have fibromyalgia or have you had an ANA test for lupus?
My younger sister has RA & lupus (SLE). She's only 51. I don't know if she has any cardiac problems caused by the lupus. We were at her lake house Memorial Day weekend and she said that she doesn't have enough energy to tackle cleaning her home, so she has someone come in every other week.



My bones hurt too before and after having my thyroid out. Doctors are finding more and more the huge affects the thyroid has on heart disease. My thyroid levels are still out of whack years after having my thyroid removed. Make sure your doctors are checking your free T3, and free T4 levels as well as your TSH, Calcium and Potassium levels. A friend of mine who is a pharmacist just went to a conference on thyroid treatments and there is now great benefits being shown for taking calcium with vitamin D with your thyroid replacement drugs. It seems silly that something as simple as eating a few vitamins could make a difference but they just might for you. At my worst I had a TSH level of 600 which puts most people into a coma. I was still working at the time but it got so bad that I was so exhausted I could hardly walk. Even having to speak and put words together was almost more than I could bear. Please hang in there and keep after your doctors and tell them how you feel. Take someone with you to your appointments if you can. When you are this tired having an advocate to be on your side can do wonders. If I lived closer I would go with you. I will send prayers and good thoughts your way and watch your posts to see how you are doing.
Dear Georgi,

Often times my friend I've asked myself the same question with all the things going on w/me. And then comes a better day & perhaps a better week & then I'm able to go on this wonderful trip I just went on & I get down on my knees & thank God for allowing me the time to see such beauty & the wonders He has created!

I'm 57 years old & I have some serious issues too my friend but we can't give up; we must fight w/everything we've got, for life is too beautiful to give up on!

My prayers are with you; hang in there & don't give up!
I am so sorry to hear about the problems you have been having, compounded by difficulty in getting doctors' appointments. Medical support is so important.

Have you ever thought about contacting The Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona, or the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix? This wonderful facility is dedicated to patients and we have always been able to get appointments within a few days of calling. The Mayo Clinic Hospital in Arizona is one of the top places for heart patients in the US.

I know you would be in very good hands at the Mayo. My husband is currently being treated for a non-heart related problem. A few years back, I had robotic surgery there...also for a non-heart related problem. I recommend them whole heartedly and without reservation.

Kind regards,

Hi Blanche,
I would love to go to Mayo. They wont take my insurance. I have Aetna. Believe me, that was my first choice. Thanks for responding!!!

I too felt like I didn't have any strength to do anything pre-op. A friend saw me a few days before my 2nd cardio consult and said, "Maybe you'll find out you don't need surgery." I was stunned. Not need surgery? I felt so crappy I was afraid I wouldn't make into the OR.
I had surgery within 3 weeks.
Once you get your AV fixed, you will notice a great deal more energy.

You mention a high RA factor. Do you have fibromyalgia or have you had an ANA test for lupus?
My younger sister has RA & lupus (SLE). She's only 51. I don't know if she has any cardiac problems caused by the lupus. We were at her lake house Memorial Day weekend and she said that she doesn't have enough energy to tackle cleaning her home, so she has someone come in every other week.

I have not had an ANA test or any other. I hope that after I see the doctor, that I will know more.