Not for the faint of HEART.

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Sioux City, Iowa.
I don't recommend anyone who is in the waiting room to watch this, even some of you that may worry after post op may not like this.

I came across this, and I'm not sure why I felt the need post it here, but I wanted to. This is footage from a German league soccer game, and a young man is assessed a yellow card in the game, he then goes on his way to smile and basically shrug it off and go about the game until you basically see him hunch over and then fall to the ground, passing away before even hitting the ground. He had gone into cardiac arrest, and though I don't know the exact term he had a muscle in his heart that was too thick from what I've read.

I've watched this a dozen times and it really is a reality check on just how fast things can go, and how we should all be greatful that even though we may find out we need surgery, at least we know and are able to get the help that we seek. This isn't graphic, and you'd never really know what happened unless you read into it. Just an interesting look on life I suppose and a beautiful crafted tribute video. Take a look if interested, or ignore. I just wanted to post and I'm sorry if I am in the wrong area.
This is so sad. At my children high school they have someone come every year and they do a mini echo to rule out an enlarged heart. I had both of my daughters tested. This group looks similar to the one that my children school in Atlanta uses.
Yeah, I remember the story of the kid who hit the game winning basket for his basketball team and started running around celebrating after with his team and ended up collapsing and died from an enlarged heart. Crazy how fast it happens..

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