night sweats?

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Active member
Jul 7, 2009
Hi my mum is back home now and seems to be doing ok, although today was not as good as yesterday. She is waking at night covered in sweat and she is finding this distressing.

I'm assuming this is just another post op symptom, but wanted to check.
Yes the night sweats were an issue right after surgery. I think its a way of your body trying to get rid of all the anesthesia and other gunk from surgery. They should stop.
Glad shes home and doing better.
I've seen other post-surgery posts about night sweats and their caregivers needing to do a lot of laundry. I'm sure someone who's actually been there will be along soon to share their experience, but don't worry, it sounds normal.

Hi my mum is back home now and seems to be doing ok, although today was not as good as yesterday. She is waking at night covered in sweat and she is finding this distressing.

I'm assuming this is just another post op symptom, but wanted to check.

Night sweats can be a sign of infection and specifically endocarditis,so watch her temp and make sure the incision is healing properly. Otherwise if it continues,I would waste no time in asking your cardio,or surgeon.


As was noted the the initial response to your post, night sweats are fairly common after OHS. OHS involves pumping a lot of chemicals into one's body. Sweating is one of the body's responses to get all of that nasty gunk out.

I had sweats & chills for a couple of months after surgery.

Sounds normal to me. First few weeks after surgery, my body thermostat was all over the place. I would be sweating one minute, then reaching for the blanket next. Just about froze my wife out of the house. And the nurses could not believe how cold I kept the hospital room. Much better now......
During my first few days post op in hospital, one night I woke up just drenched.
The nurse had to come in and help me into a new gown.
So, I stopped the stupid pain drugs they were giving and switched to regular Tylenol and it never happened again.
Night sweats are very common after OHS. There are a number of past threads about it that can be searched.

The first OHS, I had horrific night sweats, where I would be normal one moment, and lying in a swamp the next. So drenched that you couldn't ignore it at all, you had to get up and do something about it right then. It went on for over a month, then just seemed to stop. Some said it lasted longer for them. It only happened at night, when I was trying to sleep.

I wonder if it's a particular chemical they use in anesthesia, as I didn't have the sweats at all this time, but was done at a different hospital.

Best wishes,
Aw thanks for the reassurance. She didn't have any last night and slept until 5.30am. She seems a bit tired today. I think it may be because she wanted to go all the way up the stairs (about 17 stairs) and now she is feeling tired & resting. It's made her realise she can't do too much at once.