Nice day in the "Windy City"

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
We are having some amazing weather today. Amazing I should say for this time of the year in the "Windy City" 50's!

Another nice treat was to enjoy lunch with our friend Janie from Texas today as she was passing through town. It was great to see you girl and catch up!

There is never enough time in the day when we meet with our heart buddies.:( That's what reunion time is for. Hope to see you all in Chicago in August! Also... looking forward to meeting with everyone in Phoenix next month!
I better see some of that warmer weather today or I'm going to umm, well, throw a big fit and turn purple till you send me some. :D

You got to see my Steak eating buddy Janie? Some people have all the luck.
What's your favorite shade?

What's your favorite shade?

Hey, Ross - What's your favorite shade of purple? Friday is another nice day (at 0730 hrs) and we're keepin' it! At this time of year in Chicago, every nice day is even more of a treasure than a "regular" day.
Poor Ross.........

Poor Ross.........

Don't let this get you down Ross-man.......

.....a Texan passes through Chicago and now the locals are braggin too. It must be contagious!!! :D :D :D

I see there are thunderstorms forecast for Corpus Christi at the beginning of next week......TeeHee, Hahahaha :D :D :D

That'll teachem to brag
Ross, please don't hold your breath that long! Nice weather is bound to end real soon! It must have been Texas;)
They told us we would see 44 today but I think they're smoking cause it's only 33 now and unless it warms up like mad in the next 2 hours, it's not possible. :(
And I went outdoors at lunchtime and had to "force" myself to go back into the building! It is in the upper 40's out here in Chicago burbs, maybe they'll open the pool. . .
Well, not that tough...when it's time to turn on the self-clean feature in the oven. Stink city. Thought I would take advantage of being able to breath a little better. :D

PS....the party is almost over. Looked at the forecast. Snow tomorrow.
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Sillyago City Folk. Now I'm purple and jumping up and down. See what you did to me. :mad: 39 is the high for today.
Hey Ross, it's overcast here, but it's almost 50 out there, and yesterday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Of course I was out there making everybody's day a little brighter! Take it easy there little buddy, and don't throw a fit...I get enough of those from my 4 year old!