News on "Lady" dog

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I got the results of "Lady's" test back yesterday and she has the Cushings Disease. The vet wants to start her on a chemo drug called Lysodren. I haven't decided if I will give her the treatment of not. It's so expensive and my husband is throwing a fit on how much I've already spent on her trying to find out what's wrong. The vet still doesn't know why she is bleeding from the nose. He did a scope of the back of her throat and nose and there wasn't a tumor. I did find a web site almost set up exactly like this one on people who have dogs with the Cushings disease. I have been talking back and forth to quite a few of them and they advised me to not start the Lysodren yet, that I need to find out what was causing her to bleed. The bleeding is not a symptom of Cushings. She only had a small amount of blood come from the left nostril last night.

Thank you all you animal lovers for giving me your thoughts. I probably won't bother you good people about this any more since I found the other site. After all this is a human heart web site, not a dog site. I will let you know how things come out in the future.
I got the results of "Lady's" test back yesterday and she has the Cushings Disease. The vet wants to start her on a chemo drug called Lysodren. I haven't decided if I will give her the treatment of not. It's so expensive and my husband is throwing a fit on how much I've already spent on her trying to find out what's wrong. The vet still doesn't know why she is bleeding from the nose. He did a scope of the back of her throat and nose and there wasn't a tumor. I did find a web site almost set up exactly like this one on people who have dogs with the Cushings disease. I have been talking back and forth to quite a few of them and they advised me to not start the Lysodren yet, that I need to find out what was causing her to bleed. The bleeding is not a symptom of Cushings. She only had a small amount of blood come from the left nostril last night.

Thank you all you animal lovers for giving me your thoughts. I probably won't bother you good people about this any more since I found the other site. After all this is a human heart web site, not a dog site. I will let you know how things come out in the future.

Our prayers and thoughts are still with you and Lady. "Bother" is not at all correct however; we're your friends and we're honored to share in your joys and struggles. Please let us know how things are going with your sweet Lady.

Your friend,
I'm glad you found a site to get information and talk to others who have experience with it. Poor "Lady", I hope she feels better soon!
Yes, it's a human heart site, but what happens to a well-loved dog can certainly break a human heart. It's relevant, and you are most entirely relevant.

I'm sorry to hear of Lady's new troubles, and I am saddened to see the decisions you have before you.

Be well,
Glenda, we are your family, too - that makes us part of Lady's family. we want to know about her. I can understand the expense involved; we all can. Vet medicine is very, very expensive. We also know your love for your Lady because you have shown us. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you enjoy and suffer through the rest of Lady's life, no matter which way you must go. Blessins, my dear - and love
Thanks everyone. You are the greatest! ! Lady is doing so much better. She hasn't had a bloody nose since last Friday night and that wasn't a bad one. I'm going to wait a couple of weeks to start treatment because it is a chemo treatment and she has to be monitored very closely. Also another vet said that having a nose bleed could show a false positive on the tests for Cushings. So I'll wait a couple of weeks and have her tested again just to see if it really is Cushings. UPS just delivered the chemo medicine a few minutes ago.
Glad to hear Lady is doing so much better & we'll keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't have cushings.

A friend's of mine has a dog that's got Cushings & she was telling me that her baby is doing well w/the chemo treatments & seems to be her old self again.
Smart to check again first. I guess you have a well-developed perspective on chemo. Hope it was a false positive.

People get nosebleeds like that sometimes. It's usually from a blood vessel too close to the surface that gets damaged and starts to have these problems. They use cautery on it usually, but that would be tough with a dog snout, especially when you can't explain to the poor creature why you're doing it.

Thinking of you and your Lady,
Glenda, I sincerely hope that you can continue to enjoy Lady and give her a good life with lots of love. Pets are so precious.
(It may be helpful to have her food and water bowls raised about a foot off of the floor, so that her head is not down too much)
Good Luck!

Glad that Lady is doing better.

I have some info on Cushing's I can PM or e-mail you, if you'd like. It may be more than you want to digest, but you may get some value out of having it on hand. I have quite a bit of veterinary medical information on my laptop.

PM me if you'd like the info.