News of Debora

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
Hi Folks,
I have heard from Debora,who is still in Scotland.
She asked that I post to let you all know that things have not gone very well for her.
Debora is going through a really difficult time at the moment and she will be returning to Brazil in approximately 10 days time.
Once she is back in Brazil, she will post again.
Anyway, thats all she wanted me to post and to ask you if you wouldn't mind , to remember her in your prayers.
Thank you for the update Wendy. Sure hope she is doing ok health wise. Anything else can be overcome.:)
Thanks, Wendy.

Debora, I am sorry to hear you are having a tough time. My prayers and thoughts are with you and I hope things get better for you. Please let us know how we can help.

Be safe in your travels.
Gee...I hope Debora is OK.....

Gee...I hope Debora is OK.....

Please tell Debora that I am worried about her and I pray that she is ok would you? Thanks for informing us for her. Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
Thanks for the update, Wendy. I hope she travels safely and overcomes whatever her problem may be.
Thanks for the update, I wish things had gone better for her, but glad she will be home soon, I'll keep her in my prayers, Lyn
Thanks Wendy...
Sorry to hear Debora has had a setback...she is usually such a happy lassie ...I have been thinking of her recently and will keep her in my prayers...

Thank your giving us the information on Debra. She is such a sweet person. I am sorry to hear that she is not doing well, but that she is at least going home.

Hi Wendy. Please tell Debra she'll be in my prayers also and hoping she'll have a good trip home. Perhaps just being home things will be a little brighter for her.

Thanks Wendy..
I was just thinking of Debra...
Sorry to hear things arent well.. I hope being back home will help..

((((Debra))))) check in soon!!
Sunny Brazil

Sunny Brazil

Hi there my VR friends!
Sorry I haven`t posted anything for quite sometime but as Wendy said things haven`t worked out for me here in Scotland the way I hoped they would, and I`m just far too upset! Joe`s a wonderful man and I don`t regret having given it a try. But for reasons out of my control, the only thing left for me to do now is to go back to Brazil. Don`t worry, it has nothing to do with my health though!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I really do need them!
I`ll write more once I`m feeling a bit better emotionally.
Good to hear from you, Debora. Things don't always work out the way we want but they always work out the way God meant so try to take some comfort in that. At least you will be back with Bruna and that is no small thing. Instead of thinking you will be "going back" to Brazil, try to think of it as your next opportunity will be in Brazil.

Safe travels and please take care.