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Well, got the stress echo. Never seen the doctor, so this up date will be what the stress echo tech told me. Resting bp and heart rate were good, bp 118/70 hr about 70, pre stress echo showd what she call mild regurgitation. Doesn't appear to be any thickening of the walls any of the chambers. Both the Ventricals, and the Atriums were within normal measurement for my age. Does not appear to be any weaking of the vessels. Does not appear to be any dialation of the Aorta. I do have a Bicuspid Aortic Valve that is leaking, tech called it mild regurgitation. Stress test: took me to a hr of 165-170 bpm in 6 minutes, bp reached 150/80-85. Aortic Valve regurgitation went to moderate per tech. I have no real numbers, tech said Dr would go over all that with me. So I am waiting for my cardiologist to get results, and tell me what he thinks. I may be able to wait a little longer for OHS, but will definitely need to loose 20-30 pounds I think. Only other thing I can think of for such extreme breathlessness with excercise. But like my good friend said "That what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". Really smart kid for 18. lol. update further as information becomes available.
You mentioned you have been diagnosed with a thyroid problem and say you are unhappy about your weight gain. While being so involved in heart issues, is it possible your thyroid treatment has been neglected? Maybe your thyroid meds need tweaking. Perhaps you want to pursue that with your Primary Care?

Best wishes as you work your way through this process. Sounds like you are doing great and are in just about the same place many of us have been prior to our surgeries.
Jkm7, well maybe, but as of 6 months ago the blood work was still in the right range for the thyroid meds. I currently take 100mmg a day of levothroxine (synthroid). I was diagnosed with that in 2009, and seems i have put most of the weight on since then. I weighed 160 back then, and was wondering why the weight was putting on along with severe tiredness. I could just never seem to get thwe weight off after putting on. Now I weigh 190. But you know, maybe I will go see my primary care doc and have her run some more blood. I have changed my eating habits, and still no weight loss. I walk for excercise during my lunch hour, and after work. I have even wondered if a lack of properly oxygenated blood would have anything to do with it, since the BAV is leaking, if only mildly to moderately. Not complaining, just trying to figure the best way to get normal for my age. Oh yeah, and I quit smoking in 2007, that put the 1st 10 or 15 pounds on.
Haha, why thank you lol,
Hope your okay, and you get information from your cardiologist soon,
Remember, keep smiling :)
Love Sarah xx
Well finally, my cardiologist is getting the results of the stress echo today, so that wait is over, I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 2:30 pm to go over the results of that test. So still waiting a bit for the results, but at least I have a date to find out the results, and see what we are doing next: waiting, or OHS, either way, should have a definitive answer 1 way or the other in a week as to what the plan will be.
OK. Now...something to think about. Try and keep surgery on YOUR terms rather than your hearts terms. In other words, do it when you're healthy and not wait until it's an emergency. Timing is everything. But if your dr recommends the surgery and gives you valid reasons, consider doing it now before there's too many complications.
OK. Now...something to think about. Try and keep surgery on YOUR terms rather than your hearts terms. In other words, do it when you're healthy and not wait until it's an emergency. Timing is everything. But if your dr recommends the surgery and gives you valid reasons, consider doing it now before there's too many complications.

Completely agree, the fitter and healthier you are going into the surgery, the (hopfully) better recovery you should have,
Good luck for next Tuesday :)
Will be thinking of you :)
Love Sarah xxx
MVP MR and Valve Repair

MVP MR and Valve Repair

Hi there,

I just found this site a few days ago and found it VERY helpful already.
I am 54 male and I was diagnosed with MVP years ago and I was suppose to keep seeing a doctor and once a year get an echo, and I did that for awhile then I slowly stopped and haven't follwed up in years then this past January I was in a vey bad car accident and the doctor that I was seeing for a small back injury heard my MVP and says I should get an echo and I told him that I had MVP and had it for years and it thought that is really sounded pretty bad, so I went to get the echo and also seen a cardiologist that he recommmended which was on Feb 29 and the cardiologist told me that I had severe MVP with severe MR and that I would need surgery within the next year and he said it is usually preferable to have it repair if possible verses a replacement as it is all yours, long story short I had every test just about you could have and infact lastt week I had a TEE test and that was a hard test as I had an allergic reaction to the medicine they gave me and I had to be cathed from the ER hours later for a day. I just got back yesterday for a follow up visit with my cardiologist and he said I have Barlow's diases (sp) and that the repair will be tricky to do, and he said he would suggest the OHS verses an invasive surgery due to the complication of my problem and he gave me a few surgeons names and phone numbers and I asked when do YOU think I should have this done and he said well check with them but I would have done within a year, and I had been talking to him in the past about getting done sooner maybe as from what I have read with all my research that I have been doing that there are pros and cons in doing it sooner rather then waiting until my symtoms get worse, so I am confused ath this point such I wait until I get more symptomatic (sp) or get it done sooner while I am in good health and also there will be no further damage???

Hi, dhudson.
I found this site about a month or so ago myself and it's been incredibly helpful. I'm 60 and just scheduled valve repair surgery for a 4+ leaky mitral valve. I know you'll get lots of help and encouragement here. Someone probably will know -- is it possible to repair one's own tricuspid as it is with the mitral valve, or does it always need to be replaced if there are issues? Because if repair *is* possible, that would be my preference. Your own newly spiffed up valve should last you forever and you wouldn't need to deal with the anti-coagulant issue. Either way, you're gonna be fine!