New Member - Surgery Tomorrow - Feb 8

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Jim P

Well-known member
Feb 6, 2007
Orlando, Florida
Hello everyone,

I am a new member of the group, although I feel like I already know many of you, based on reading this forum. My heart problem has been a big shock to me and my wife, and I am grateful to all of you for so openly sharing your experiences without restraint. We are now much more confident in what we are facing and realize that I am not the only person being singled out for this trial by fire.

My story is similar to many of yours. I am nearly 64 years old and had no advance warning, as I have been extraordinarily healthy and energetic my whole life. In fact, for the past three years, my wife and I have been leading walking tours all over the world. In 2006 alone, we traveled for about 150 days leading groups walking 6 - 10 miles almost every day.

Because I was not bouncing back to full speed after returning home from 30 days in Italy this past fall, I went to see our family doctor. He heard the heart murmur and sent me to visit a cardiologist immediately. The big shock came after the echocardiogram, followed by cardiac catheterization, which confirmed the presence of severe aortic stenosis. The cardiologist said I was only months away from heart failure and needed to have OHS to replace my aortic valve. Fortunately, the tests also showed that the coronary arteries were clear. The past two months have been consumed with reading, studying, and preparing myself and my family for the circumstances to be faced.

I met with my surgeon (Dr. Kevin Accola) Monday. The AVR surgery will be done this upcoming Thursday, Feb 8, and I am scheduled to receive a CEPM (Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna) bovine pericardial tissue valve. My reading of the literature and discussion with the surgeon led to some optimism that the ThermaFix process on this valve might extend useful life of the valve to 20 ? 25 years, for my age group. This was my decision, and I believe it to be a good risk.

Florida Hospital in Orlando claims that they treat more heart patients than any other hospital in the United States and rank first in the state of Florida for the number of open-heart surgeries performed. So, I should be in good, experienced hands.

I have also learned that I am not invincible. Based on what I have learned from you, on this forum, I know this is serious surgery. I am blessed with a strong, supportive wife and we know that our life style may change as a result of this experience. However, that will not keep us from looking ahead to the future. I am still young enough and healthy enough that I intend to weather this storm and resume a full life.

I will keep you posted on the results.

Jim P

Welcome! You have come to the right place for information support and prayers. Will look forward to hearing from you. Take care and god speed.

Wishing you all the best!

Wishing you all the best!

Jim -

Hello and welcome!

Sorry we didn't get to know you a little better before your "big day".

I will be sending positive thoughts and wishes your way for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Keep up the good attitude, it will serve you well. You'll do fine.

"See" you on the other side of this mountain. Let us know how you are and don't be a stranger, OK?

All my best,
Jim you seem to be pretty squared away. I think for you, it'll be more of what to expect and take etc, then anything else. Your right, it's serious surgery and I wouldn't treat it any differently then such, but many of us have gone through it, so your chances are very good for a great surgery and minimal complications if any.
Welcome to the community. You seem to be in great spirit and frame of mind for the big day tomorrow. I'm sure you'll do fine. I look forward to hearing how it went once you're on the other side. All my best for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery.

Welcome and smooth going tomorrow with your VR. You'll be in our thoughts/prayers.

Always good to hear from a "young-timer" in my own age range. I, too, led a very active life (even ran a few marathons back in the '80s); then the mild aortic regurg that docs had tracked since my 20s became severe aortic stenosis, thus the OHS at age 63 in 2005.

The good news is that I am again leading an active life (no more marathons but lots of hiking) and I am confident you will, too.

All best wishes,
Jim welcome! I'm know that you will return to leading your walking tours (which sounds very interesting!) with a new spring in your step. Best wishes.
Welcome to our world Jim!

With your POSITIVE ATTITUDE I'm sure you will bounce right back to your active lifestyle.

I envy your valve choice as my first choice (several years ago) was a Bovine Pericardial Valve but that turned out not to be a wise choice given severe radiation damage. I am now sporting a St. Jude Mechanical Valve and living with Coumadin. It was the right decision by my surgeon but I still envy the freedom you will enjoy with your Bovine Valve.

Let us know how your surgery went when you are able to get back on the internet.

'AL Capshaw'
I just added you to our VR calendar. I know it's not much notice, but I'm sure many members will add you to their prayers and keep you in their thoughts tomorrow . . . I know that I will.
I hope you will post again so we can share your surgery, and recovery, experience.
Best wishes and Godspeed,
Oops, Jim, I see you've added yourself to the calendar. See, you know your way around this forum pretty well all ready!
Best wishes, Jim. Dick has the same valve and three years out, so far so good. He is back to a full and active life style and we wish the same for you. Godspeed, tomorrow!
Welcome Jim...

all that walking will feel so much better once you are over the mountain...

in the meantime your legs will be well-conditioned for the post-op walking we all have to do...

I look forward to hearing of these walking tours.
Hi Jim,
Wishing you a speedy recovery. You will be in my prayers

Welcome Jim, Glad you found! Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I will be sending you positive thoughts. Seems like with your attitude, and your good health, you will be over the mountain in no time. Look forward to reading your posts when you are on the other side!
Good luck

Good luck

Hello Jim,

You do sound quite well informed. Best wishes for your surgery and uneventful recovery.

Welcome Jim! My prayers will be with you on Thursday. I also had my aortic valve replaced along with my mitral valve and I now have mechanical valves. Best of Luck and I'll be looking forward to knowing you better on the Other Side of the Mountain. Marcie