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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2007
Indiana - just outside Indianapolis
I have been looking at this site for about 6 months knowing that I had AVR in my future, but with no idea that it would be in my immediate future. Recent bi-annual visit determined it is time to replace bicuspid aortic valve. This site has been very helpful, very comforting, and helped to make me very optimistic! Surgery is scheduled for 4/20.
Welcome to the site. My son just had a very big OHS (3/13/07). I could not have survived it without this site. The people here are just wonderful. Please keep us posted about your sitiuation and feel free to ask any questions.
gosh, you are right up on it. Wish you had come in sooner but better now than not a'tall. Welcome to VR. You might want to ask some questions of the membership and somebody will have answers for you. You might get a whole lot more than you want, but we are avid about our purpose for being, you see. Besides that, we're friendly and fun and have become family over the years. I dropped in one day to visit and stayed for 7 years now!
Keeping the optimism

Keeping the optimism

I am very optimistic! My dad just turned 70 and he had the same surgery 18 years ago with MUCH success. He said that he didn't realize that he felt bad until he was recovered and felt so much better. That is what I'm looking forward to. I am a runner and indoor cycler so I am looking forward to my workout improving greatly!
Glad you decided to register. I put you on the calendar for April 20th and wish you a most successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Your attitude will take you a long way!


Welcome, aboard!

I monitored this site for awhile until I realized that there was no way to avoid having surgery. As you are well aware, there's a great group of supportive folks here. My wife even used a computer terminal in the waiting room while I was in surgery to access supportive postings.

You've got a great attitude. Keep focused upon positive outcomes.

Here's wishing everything wonderful for you post surgery.
All my best,
Hi and welcome; glad you found the site! Hope all goes well for your upcoming surgery. What kind of valve did your dad get at 52? And was he a bicuspid as well? What kind of valve are you planning to get? Take care and post again.
Welcome to the VR Community. Best wishes for successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Sure sounds like your ready for it, so I'm sure you'll do fine.
I'm so glad you found us. This is a terrific "family" we have here and there's always room for more members. (Thanksgiving dinner can get a bit hard to manage.:D )

I'm glad to read you are looking forward to improved physical abilities. Many people here have had your Dad's experience, in that they weren't aware how much their body had quietly adjusted to the valve issues and only realized it until they felt so much better after surgery and recovery.

Love your signature.
Best wishes.

Wishing you all the best on your upcoming surgery!

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask, somebody here will have had the same experience, it's almost uncanny.

Take care, wishing you the best, keep up the great attitude!

My dad had a mechanical and has done really well! I just met with a hematologist yesterday to determine if I need to be on blood thinner due to Factor V Leiden clotting disorder. She said no, that I wouldn't until I have symptoms of a clot. My mom passed that wonderful gene down to us kids. My surgeon will talk to her first then tell me what valve I will get. Still unsure, but optimistic about not needing blood thinner long term.

I cannot be enough of an advocate on knowing your family medical history!!!
Welcome April 20th is a great date for will be my first anniversary.

I too am a great believer in knowing the family history I got my BAV from my Dad and passed it onto 2 of our sons. I am determined the 3 of us will not end up the same way he did (a very early death).
Wecome! I wish you the best with your surgery! I only found this site a couple weeks ago, 8 months after my surgery. But everyone is so supportive and helpful that I still joined and plan to continue. I love everyone's sense of humor :p and caring attitude!

Something that I wish I had known before the surgery is that the animal valves are lasting longer than expected. They used to always recommend the mechanical valves to people under 50 because they last longer, but I think they're starting to back away from that. Ask your doctor.

I'll keep you in my prayers!:)
Just wanted to add my welcome to you, and to wish you all the best. Keep us posted and if you have any questions, there are plenty of friendly folks with experience who can provide answers.

You were in a panic! I agree about the previous hospital stay. Brought a beautiful baby girl home on two occasions. I know this will be like night and day difference! At least I was awake for both of those.
