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Beloved Member
Apr 28, 2006
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Hey everyone. Anyone here purchased a new PC lately? Our last couple of PC's have been Dell's and I'm pretty happy with them, but they've had their share of problems, too. But some family members have gotten different brands of PC's, and at some point things just seem to go wrong with them. If you've got a good recommendation, I'd love to hear it. Also, recommendations on processor speed, features, monitor, etc. Thanks!

-m2k "Chris"
Here's two cents. Fourth of July early morning storm took out my motherboard, so I bought a new computer. As I've done before, I went to Office Depot and bought one of their cheapest, which has more features than I need or want. I now have an Emachines; I did get slightly above the bottom and got 512 RAM, which is wonderful, and a DVD drive. I like the fact that I can buy if off the shelf, and it's cheaper than Dell.
We also just bought an emachine and got the middle of the price scale one. My son said the emachine was the best computer he has had and I know he had a Dell. I am setting ours up this weekend and will see how it does. It came preloaded with lots of bells and whistles I will probably never use.
I forgot to add that I work for a county government in the Computer Center and we mostly buy Gateways for our county offices. But, we got a better price on the emachine with a wide flatscreen.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter what you get anymore. I was dead set against Compaq and HP, but I'm using a Compaq now and have not had one lick of trouble out of it in the 3 1/2 years since I got it, not one!

Once upon a time, I would have recommended building your own, but in todays market, it's just not financially feasible since you can get units already made far cheaper.
I had a gateway and a year or two ago, bought a dell.. outside of McAfee problems I just encountered, (see other post about my "remote desktop" help request) I really have not had any problems with my Dell.. but i'm leaning to a Mac for my next purchase..

My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 6000 (and no, my 2 batteries weren't affected by this week's recall :) ) and my computer geek nephew built our desktop unit. The modem recently went in the desktop. Called my nephew & he was driving by a Fry's Electronics & he picked up a new modem for under $15.

Wish we could get HSI or DSL where we live. But it's dial-up or nothin'.
Is this Heresy?

Is this Heresy?

I don't know what Ross thinks of this, but after about 10 years of all kinds of PC's I finally switched to Apple. I never have a crash, and never have a virus. For pictures & music it is outstanding. I can run any application under Microsoft Office Suite with no compatibility problems. I can plug in any printer, or multiple printers and have never had a problem. They just show up ready to run. I can search & find anything on my 80 gigabyte hard-drive in under 2 seconds. I set up my wireless network in 5 minutes, and I am not a computer guru by any means. My applications run just as fast today as they did 3 years ago when I got it. If you want to get rid of an application, just drag it to the trash. No need to uninstall. For a guy like me this seems to be a perfect choice.
Never have played with an apple/mac, but it does sound compelling given the problems of IBM format.
Christine, You WON'T regret getting a Mac...I have an IMac

Christine, You WON'T regret getting a Mac...I have an IMac

Christine said:
I had a gateway and a year or two ago, bought a dell.. outside of McAfee problems I just encountered, (see other post about my "remote desktop" help request) I really have not had any problems with my Dell.. but i'm leaning to a Mac for my next purchase..


And I have not had one bit of trouble with it. I also have a PC and I have learned to dispise windows, as it has crashed more times than I care to count. I have had to fix my parents computer 6 times this year so far, and I have them convinced to get a Mac for their next computer. I have found the IMac to be very stable, also, when you install programs for it, you KNOW where the program is being installed, where as I have found with Windows, it spreads the components of the program ALL over the place and sometimes when you uninstall, not all of the files get uninstalled. I just wanted to let you know about how I liked my IMac, so that it may help you in some small way....Harrybaby:D :D :D :D


Come over from the Dark Side. Buy a Macintosh NOW!

On the other hand, if you like viruses, worms, mysterious crashes, and general mayhem, stay with a PC. Personally, I think my bad aortic valve makes life enough of a crap shoot already.

Zap me a note it you need any buying advice. I've been exclusively a Mac user since 1987. There are some great machines on the market for very good prices right now.
One thing I want to interject here. While Macs may not currently face the problems that IBM compatibles are, they will in due time. The nice virus writers are working on MAC killers as I type. It's just like Microsoft vs Linux, the most popular machines are going to be targeted first and as Macs become more popular, will find themselves in the crosshairs as well.
Sad but probably true.

Sad but probably true.

When we flew to Puerto Rico to see our daughter we had to go through the usual airport security. I thought about the incredible waste of time-everyone getting there a couple of hours early-all the lines slowed to a crawl as people were taking off their shoes, belts, etc. in the time consuming search for dangerous materials. Materials that might get past security despite the best efforts to keep it out. And then I thought to myself-this is like a computer virus brought to life.

I sure don't assume that my Mac will always be free from viruses. But when/if that happens, it will be a sad day for me.
If you don't need it immediately, it may be worth waiting for the release of Windows Vista which will replace XP - currently scheduled for year-end/early 2007. There's also some speculation that the PC manufacturers will offer upgrade vouchers to people buying XP machines towards year-end. Depends on how much of the Microsoft hype the manufacturers buy into :rolleyes:

This site is quite good on Vista:
I've played with Vista Beta 2 and it's going to intimidate just about everyone out here. This is a whole new ball game and functions differently then previous Windows versions. I look for the public in general to shy away from it because of the huge change. Fact of the matter is, it's a new era and with it comes change, so lets get used to it.
&Deity - what is all that stuff?

&Deity - what is all that stuff?

Hi Ross - very glad to see you back!

In preparation for a migration to any new version of Windoze, it helps to know what you have on your current machine.
If you're an inveterate tinkerer like myself, chances are there's an awful lot of applications that are no longer used or that you've forgotten about...

I just stumbled across this little app that will give what looks a pretty comprehensive list of apps (even down to serial numbers) plus a surprising amount of info on the hardware and config - most useful freebie I've seen for a very long time.


I am coming up on 25 years of experience with PC's in September. I had the very 1st one when it came out.

For the past 7 years I have worked as a Application Systems Engineer and we see every computer that you could possibly imagine.

I bought a DELL a year ago.

I have since recommended DELL's to friends and family.

I and they are all satisfied with the value, and support.

In my personal and professional opinion, buy a DELL.
Hank said:
I am coming up on 25 years of experience with PC's in September. I had the very 1st one when it came out.

For the past 7 years I have worked as a Application Systems Engineer and we see every computer that you could possibly imagine.

I bought a DELL a year ago.

I have since recommended DELL's to friends and family.

I and they are all satisfied with the value, and support.

In my personal and professional opinion, buy a DELL.
Oh, now I see how you are. Compaq for me and a Dell for you huh? :mad: :D

I hear those Dells are great for porno!
Dell with caution

Dell with caution

2 years ago my sister and I both bought misshipped (they were cheaper because the shipment had been intended for another location. They sent them new ones and offered a price reduction here) Dells from a local computer store. Exact same models.

She has had nothing but trouble out of hers. Everytime she has sought assistance from Dell customer service - she has hit a roadblock (interesting as they advertise so strongly on their CS). They have her computer registered to the intended owner - and will not help her:mad: . They actually gave her his name and number - he actually helped her fix it the first time she had problems. Several problems later - last week - it died completely.:eek:

I had no trouble with mine until the hard drive died. I recieved immediate assistance from Dell. They sent a service person to my house and fixed it for free.:D my sister had paid for all of her repairs because they would not cover it:confused: ) Still - mine works great - no troubles at all (knock on wood). The service man that came to fix my computer - said that he would NEVER buy a Dell - hmmmm.

Although I like my computer, I was very disappointed in the customer service experience of my sister. (my 2 cents - well maybe 5):)