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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
Hello to you all,
We joined the website just before my husband Ernie had AVR 30th March.
We are so grateful to have found this website.
Needless to say it was a very emotional time for us and reading the messages
on how others felt in the same situation helped us greatly.
Also, we made the decision whether to go tissue/mechanical after reading all the opinions posted.
Ernie decided to go mechanical.
It is 8 days after surgery,he came home Tuesday, had little sleep, spoke to the doctor and got some sleeping tabs as he is exhausted.
(We see that disturbed sleep patterns seem to be quite common)
If anyone feels like replying, any tips or advice for the next few weeks will be greatly appreciated.

Kindest Regards
Ernie & Wendy Denham
Auckland New Zealand
If anyone feels like replying? You should know us better then that. :D

Hopefully his sleep pattern will return. Mine never has and I'm going absolutely crazy. I've tried everything and cannot sleep longer then 3 hours.

If you have more questions, which I'm sure you will, just yell. I know the Coumadin is going to be a question at some point. It always is. ;)
tell him to avoid the 'evil' sneeze, if he can. It really, really hurts. Also do the breathing tube and walk as much as he can.

Glad members were able to help you get through this. That's the reason we are here.

Congratulations on a successful surgery.
Hi Wendy,
Welcome to both you and Ernie!

I'll offer the advice I usually do. Ernie's job right now is to walk, sleep, eat and breath. These first few weeks at home are the toughest walk "back down the mountain". Don't let him try to be Superman right now, because his body will make him pay if he does. I would offer you the same advice - it's been an exhausting experience for you as well, so take good care of yourself.

Best wishes.
Hi Wendy,

I am very glad Ernie's surgery was very successful. I just had my AVR replaced with a mechanical valve on March 16th. My recovery was somewhat delayed but am finally home. My physical therapist keeps reminding me "remember, your body may feel like doing more, but your heart needs time to heal." Don't hesitate to ask questions. We are all here for you. This group has been an enormous encouragement to me both before and after the surgery.

Karl Jaeger (KAJ)
Welcome Wendy & Ernie.

Glad to hear all went well. I hope things continue to be great. Ernie will need plenty of rest over the next few weeks, intertwined with walking. Also, don't forget to be kind to yourself, too. It is very easy to get caught up with being the caregiver that you forget to care for you.

Stay in touch and don't be shy about asking.
Thank you !

Thank you !

Thanks for the replies,they are much appreciated and really cheered us up.
Ernie managed to get some sleep, so is feeling a bit better.
I couldn't find that blowing machine mentioned, to help the lungs, but bought some childrens balloons for Ernie to try and blow up, hope that that's Ok.
Feel like a bit of an idiot as I am so ignorant regarding all this.
Kindest Regards & thanks
the blowing machine is a spirometer. I am sure he had one in the hospital and they should have made sure he brought it home because it's very important in recovery. In the hospital they beat you over the head to make sure you do it often. (that's extra often)
Re - Spirometer

Re - Spirometer

Hi there,
I Checked it out,Ernie didn't have one in hospital, maybe they don't use them here in New Zealand ?
The physio said to take 20 deep breaths every hour but after reading what you guys have been doing in the USA thought that the childrens balloons might be of help?
Thanks for the reply.
Kindest regards Wendy.


Hi Pam,
You have hit the nail on the head. Ernie is already getting really frustrated at having to just eat, sleep, walk,exercise & take his medication.
Without sounding disloyal, I am finding it hard, I am really tired myself, as when he gets up at all hours, I get up too, and he is starting to get irritated with little things that really are unimportant.( Even with the sleeping tablets, he is only sleeping maximum 3-4 hrs at night )
He sometimes manages to doze a bit during the day, and I make sure that he is not disturbed.
I do realise that this is all to be expected, it will be a long haul.I am really glad to have contact on the site and to know that the depression,anxiety attacks and mood swings are part of the process.I don't feel so isolated.
Thank you
Hi wendy-

Congratulations to you and Ernie on his successful surgery. Don't pay much attention to his mood swings, I know it could get to you, but honestly he's exhausted, as you've mentioned, and also the things they pump into you during and after surgery make emotions go all over the place. It will straighten out, I promise. You also will need to get some rest. Forget the housework for a while, who cares about that? It's far more important that you take good care of yourself too. Rest when he rests, even if you can't sleep. Just close your eyes and let your body rest.
Wendy, welcome to this board. The spirometer works on deep inhalation rather than "blowing". I would discontinue the balloons. Years ago, here in the States, a breathing exercise was used that involved blowing and if I remember right it was contra-productive. Breathing deeply as he was instructed should be all he needs.

Some days will be better than others and it might drive you crazy trying to figure out why one day is so good and the next day is so bad. It just is the way it is. Healing is still occurring but sometimes the progress seems very slow. I remember that about three weeks after surgery it seemed like I hit a plateau for a week or so and then I started making progress again.
I got 2 of the spirometers, would be more than happy to send one or both of them to you!! as everybody else has said, just keep breathing exercises and walking. just a little each day and add as you can. I could walk circle through my den, to living room, dining room, kitchen and back to the den....I just added more trips as I felt like it. take it slow and build up......good luck, we are here for you...
Thanks Hayden

Thanks Hayden

Thanks for your offer Hayden, it is really kind of you, but we live in New Zealand.
We are going to speak to the cardiologist and ask him to get us a spirometer.
We really do appreciate the feedback and support.
This website has been an absolute Godsend.
Kindest regards
Ernie & Wendy