Need Info - Nov. 5th appt at Cleveland Clinic

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I have learned so much by reading the wonderful messages that have been posted on this website and also through personal correspondence with others who have or had a mitral valve problem. I have mitral valve regurgitation and was told by my local cardiologist in Ft. Lauderdale that it would have to be watched closely with an echo every six months and I would eventually need surgery to repair the valve. I spoke to a surgeon/professor at Univ of Michigan who specializes in valve repair. After reviewing my echo tape from May01, he felt the mitral valve should be repaired soon before damage is done to my heart. He also told me that they tend to be more aggressive at the Univ of Michigan and will often recommend surgery 2 - 3 yrs before other heart centers. Based on the great reputation of the Cleveland Clinic, I decided to go there for an evaluation and will base my treatment decision on what they tell me. I have an appt. on Nov. 5th with Dr. Stewart. I think I have been thorough in preparing my list of questions but would really appreciate it if anyone can give me some suggestions on what I should be prepared to ask and know after seeing Dr. Stewart. I am looking forward to this evaluation at the CC and will be anxious to see what is recommended. It's difficult when one is given different recommendations knowing that the success of fixing the mitral valve is so very dependent upon the correct timing of the surgery . The only two diagnostic test my current cardiologist has done is an echo and a stress echo. I will take the copy of the echo tape and printed reports with me to the CC. Any additional information is most appreciated! Thanks for your help.
Dear Linda!
Hi... I just saw your post and wanted to put in my 2 cents worth!! lol

An echo is good... one test that should be performed though is a TEE, which basically involves running a tube down your esophagus to get a picture of the back of your heart. This is an echo....and provides a clearer picture than a regular echo.

I had a mitral valve repair October, 00. They are right when they say the repair will be more successful if done in the early stages. By the time they were able to do mine the valve was very tattered and the surgeon had a hard time repairing it. But repair it he did and because of that wonderful surgeon I do not have an artificial valve! My surgery was performed in Spokane, Wash. by Dr. Timothy Icenogle.

Unfortunately I had a bout of pericarditis one month after my surgery which compromised my heart even more. Now I have CHF (congestive heart failure) and have added a rare form of leukemia (CML) and breast cancer to the mix.

If they do decide to do the surgery be sure to ask about cardio rehab. It wasn't available to me... I live 1-1/2 hours from where surgery was performed.... but others have recommended it highly.

Please let us know how your appointment goes and good luck!

Take care,
Hi Zazzy,
Thanks for your kind response to my message. Good suggestion to check on rehab - IF I need anything done in the near future. I know the TEE is a good diagnostic test but I"m almost hoping they won't do that. I hear it's not a very pleasant test. I have an early flight to Cleveland tomorrow morning - good thing it's early because we're waiting to see if Hurricane Michelle will be hitting South Florida.

I will certainly keep you in my prayers while you battle other health issues. Your spirit sounds strong and that is so important. God Bless!

Hi Linda

Hi Linda

Joann has been going to CCF since 1971. We will be there on Wed., Nov. 7th for our new problem. Glad to be of assistance in any way. Do not hesitate to contact us! We are eager to help and know the facility very well.

They will know what tests you need and are very accurate in the consultation and evaluation.

John for Joann
2 valves, 3 bypass, 1 pacemaker and now vascular disease
Linda - Hope you get good info from your second opinion. I am guessing they will probably tell you about statistics and how getting the problem early will help. I am guessing that is a good idea, since mine was well above threshold for surgery when I went ahead. You might ask how your condition ranks with others before and after surgery and if 2-3 years could actually be 10 years. You should ask about symptoms and if there is a correlation between them and when surgery is necessary. You might ask if you should have valve surgery if you are feeling fine. You might ask if enlargement of your heart chambers is present and how that effects the long term. I hope this is not too late, and good luck with your trip.


Glad you had a second opinion. It is good idea to get done before there is damage. I was diagnosed with CHF dur to the Aortic valve closing up completely. I just had replacement back on 09-13-01 and am glad so the heart can heal. It was before any real damage and the heart can be back to normal soon. It can be really scary about surgery, but having it done before real damage takes courage. You do what you feel you have to do and we will be here.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve


I am having aortic root replacement at the University of Mich. Dr. Deeb-he is certainly by all accounts the best in Mich. My aortic root is dialated at 4.7cm as a result of a rear end accident--I have my surgery scheduled for Jan. 8th-they are a little more aggressive at U of M-my aortic valve is OK----but if the aneurysm remains it may eventually effect my valve or even dissect-I am 47 years old and an avid runner-I have opted to go ahead and get this THING over-good luck and god bless.

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