Need a second Echo

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Well-known member
May 2, 2004
Chicago area
Hey everybody,

I just saw my cardiologist and had an echo done. My cardiologist says that I am having a premature heart beat and sees that there is tissue underneath my valve. She wants to take a closer look at the tissue underneath the valve and so I am going for a second echo next week. Please keep me in your prayers. I hope that this does not turn out to be anything serious.
My cardiologist did not say what would need to be done with the it harmful? Is it constricting my blood flow? that my doc didn't say, she needs to take a closer look at it. Does anyone here know if tissue underneath the valve is something harmful that would need to be fixed? I sure hope not, I don't need more problems in my life right now...
I am planning to attend the Chicago reunion in Feb so I hope to see some of you there if everything is alright with my heart.

Take care everybody,

Just sent you a PM. You have all of our prayers for sure. The only thing I am aware of is that over time scar tissue can form in or around the valve. In my case this actually helped to close a small leak around the sewing ring. Believe when tissue forms on the inside it is the case of stenosis. Which can have an effect on function due to decreased flow. I am surprised they are doing an 2nd echo as the full picture is usually not relayed. TEE may give them a better look.

All the best to you.
Take care and keep us posted.
Hi Danielle,

By tissue I am assuming she means scar tissue? Scar tissue can be a problem depending on where it is located. It can affect how the valve works if it encroaches on the workings of the valve. I am sure that is why she wants another echo - to see if things show up more clearly.

As Gina said, you may end up needing a TEE to see things even more clearly.

You are in my prayers. Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing to worry about.
A TEE is a TransEsophogeal Echocardiogram. Basically, they get a closer-up echo of your heart without the ribs in the way by snaking a small transducer down your throat and doing the echo from there. Your throat is numbed first, and I believe you can be given one or more date-rape drugs before they start. It's a common procedure, and is done almost universally during valve surgery to check the functioning of the new valve before the final close-up.

It's likely that your cardiologist isn't too concerned at this point. If she were really worried, she would likely have gone directly for the TEE, which generally provides a more accurate picture. Press her to give you details of how it seems to be affecting (or not affecting) your valve's efficiency. You deserve to know, not be held in suspense.

Best wishes,


Hey Everybody,

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. Eveything turned out okay with my echo. The doctor checked out the premature heart beat I was having and says that its not serious enough for her to want to do anything to correct it.
So Good News!!!
