Neck Issues

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
I have a long-winded question for the group. I believe the very first indications of my valve problems were back about three years ago. I had an issue where the front of my neck started to bother me. By bother, I mean that if I wore a T-shirt, it felt like it was choking me and I would constantly find myself pulling it away from the front of my neck. This went on for a couple months before I went to a PCP. The PCP couldn't find anything wrong, so he referred me to a ENT doc. The ENT doc couldn't find anything, so he referred me to an Endochronologist (possible Thyroid issue). The Endochronologist couldn't find anything wrong after extensive testing, so he finally sent me to the Cardiologist because "valve problems can lead to pressure in that area and give you discomfort". The Cardiologist diagnosed me with MVP and sent me on my way. Less than two months later, the valve started leaking and I got more symptoms, and I guess the rest is history. After surgery, that area of my neck did not bother me one little bit. That is, until yesterday morning. Now it's suddenly back as bad as ever and I have to admit that I'm scared ----less. I've also suddenly gone back to getting palpitations whenever I lie down. It feels like I too long after surgery to be having issues related to the operation. I'm hoping it's some unrelated issue such as bug that's causing my lymph nodes to swell - that seems like a bit of a long shot due to where the discomfort is located.

Anyways, my question is: Has anyone else had neck issues that indicated a valve problem?

I appreciate all responses - especially over the weekend...

Mike, you know you need to get this checked right away don't you? It may be atrial fib or a problem with the valve....or something totally harmless. It isn't worth waiting around though. I don't know that going to the ER would be out of place here at all.

I remember feeling a "chokey" feeling at times and always feeling like the clothes on my upper body were too tight (even if I didn't have any on).
Yes, get it checked out. Joe can have neck feelings when he gets fluid retention in the stomach area, ascites. Fluid can back up in the liver and sometimes the spleen and that can cause fluid backup in the portal vein. It may not be what you have, but whatever it is, get it checked out.

Even if it is fluid, you want to get it gone.

Best wishes.
I don't have answers to your question, but a question on the same subject....I hope I'm not hi-jacking your thread:rolleyes:

I've been having somewhat the same problem and that is why I'm seeking a surgeon, it seems to be my worst symptom and is driving me crazy. At first I thought my cancer was back until I started reading up that it is part of the problem from my BAV being very stenotic. I googled "throbbing throat" big mistake, way too much porn! :D I came here instead and found the truth. My throat throbs and hurts and I'm surprised when I swallow that it doesn't hurt, I can't wait to get this taken care of.

I hope you'll let us know what you find out!! Be well!!!
Before my surgery I also had neck problems, no turtlenecks for me..only v neck.
It has something to do with an artery that is compressed I think? In your neck..always felt like I was swallowing golf balls...:eek: ,it has eased considerably since surgery.
If you start having identical symptons as before surgery, I would see my dr.
Wishing you well, Yaps
I just remembered that in the months prior to surgery I became more and more hoarse. I was told it was probably due to an enlarging left atrium (5.5-6.0) and the pressure it put on the laryngeal nerve. Amazing how one thing affects something seemingly unrelated.

Mike, how are you doing today?
My neck feels tender sometimes too - especially down each side of my neck. I can feel my murmur on the right side - sometimes it feels as if the pressure of my blood flowing there makes it tender, and I feind myself constantly holding my neck with my hand. I wouldn't say it is painful - just strange, tender...

Best of luck - I echo the comments of others, and say you should check it out!!
I would have your

I would have your

thyroid checked (again). That is a symptom of hyper or hypothyroidism - to feel a fullness in your neck and to have a sensation of choking. Yes, things are interrelated and thyroid problems a lot of times go hand in hand with heart valve problems.

My thoughts are thyroid - that would cause the palpitations and the feeling of fullness in the neck.

I have NEVER liked turtlenecks but it is not that they were uncomfortable, I just am claustrophobic period and like only comfortable clothing. However, I am wearing turtlenecks more and more now.

Christina L


Do not go by your TSH if you have your thyroid checked again - you need to have a full thyroid panel done and the T4 and T3 need to be looked at, BUT a person with hyper or hypothyroidism needs to be dosed by their symptoms, not their TSH level.

Christina L
Mike, I agree that you need to get this checked out quickly..and I hope it is nothing..

now that you mention that about the neck..I had similar feelings in my neck. And a sensation that a pill was stuck in my esophagous before my surgery... I have not had either feeling since recovery:confused: Never made the conection before.
This is not exactly

This is not exactly

the site I was looking for, but it was kind of....:)...another thought is the phrenic nerve - this is probably more than y'all want to know but I was on a kidney bean kick over the last several days. All of a sudden on Friday, I got very anxious and nervous and started to have strong PACs, and a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I have already been diagnosed with a small hiatal hernia and have GERD, but since I was diagnosed and started eating smaller meals, etc., I have not had any problems with the GERD.

Back to the beans - well, beans create a LOT of gas - probably pushed up my stomach and irritated the phrenic nerve which is in the central diaphragmatic area.

Irritation of the phrenic nerve can cause palpitations and all sorts of problems - heart wise or other.

This article explains a little, but I am sure there is more reading to be had on the web.

I believe that open heart surgery "roughs up" the diaphragmatic area (major understatement) and that probably a lot of post heart surgery patients will develop a hiatal hernia and irritation of the phrenic nerve. I never had any of these problems before my surgery. :(

Also, Mike, I wanted to say again, above 95% of mitral valve repairs are still viable at 10 years. My cardiologist told me if they are to fail, they usually do it very quickly or much later. I think you are over the hump for your repair to fail you at this time - I am just trying to be optimistic and only hope that your problems are thyroid-related or phrenic nerve-related, i.e. something "minor" (as related to open heart surgery that is). ;)

Christina L
I was on the treadmill and just

I was on the treadmill and just

thought of it - the VAGUS nerve!! Another nerve that is related to the mitral valve (runs through it?) and can be irritated easily and cause palpitations, funny feelings in the neck, etc.

Also, I probably was overzealous with the up to 95% of mitral valve repairs are viable at 10 years - I think it is more like above 90%, which isn't much less, but is less.

Anyway, NERVES!! They can wreak havoc in the diaphragmatic and heart area.

And the more nervous we get about how we feel, it is just a vicious circle - goes on and on.

Mike, I would check in with a doc and then get yourself busy with something fun and hopefully the palpitations and such will subside.

I suspect the thyroid also, but the body is just so complicated and everything is tied in together - like a domino effect really when something goes wrong in our body.

Blessings -

Christina L
Many thanks to all who have replied thus far! I've been fairly active on this site for almost a year, and don't recall anyone mentioning neck issues, so I was surprised to see this many responses. I never really thought the neck and valve issues were related until the neck issues went away after my surgery.

Anyways, I'll call my Cardio's office tomorrow and see what they say. My one-year check-up is due sometime in November, so maybe I'll need to get that bumped up a month. If that comes up clear (God, I hope so), I'll probably start looking back towards the Thyroid direction. I already had an ultrasound, MRI, and 2-3 rounds of bloodwork looking at the Thryoid size and function and nothing came up, so I'm not optimistic.

One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that my original neck discomfort began at least 18 months prior to my MVP diagnosis (should've put the timeline in there). It really is just a discomfort, and usually goes away if I take off my T-shirt and wear something open-necked. I don't recall ever having issues with swallowing or hoarseness.

I'll certainly let everyone know what I find out. Thanks! :)

Do you have an update? I've had neck issues in the past, a feeling a fullness and a vein that looks swollen. I correlated with exercise and too much salt, both of which are now under control.

Or the choking feeling could be angina. I experienced it when laying on my left side while pregnant ... but my left ventricle was mildly enlarged during this time period.

If your chambers are normal, it could simply be too much fluid ... anyone know how many months it takes to recover from OHS? My thought is that perhaps you need to give it more time.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Sorry that I didn't post the requested update until now. I have a meeting with my Cardio on Friday (moved up my one-year checkup by a few weeks) in which I expect to cover this pretty extensively. I've continued to go to the gym, ran about five miles last night, and continued all other "regular" activities, and I don't seem to have any SOB issues. I did have some chest pain when I ran last night, but it felt muscular and went away after the first 20 minutes or so. Anyways, I've got my fingers, toes, arms, and any other appendage I can find crossed that the neck issues are totally unrelated to heart issues. Thanks for the concern.
That was the first thing I noticed

That was the first thing I noticed

The greater feeling of "pressure" in my neck bacame more and more obvious as my aoritic valve falied. It was very real and I will never forget those symptoms.
Hi Mike. Glad you moved your appointment up. We will all be interested to know what you discover.

I had the same throat thing prior to surgery and it is gone. But, funny thing is that I wore turtlenecks all the time as that little bit of pressure on the neck was like a bandage and helped. NOW is when I can't put anything around my neck! Everyone's different.

I would certainly watch your salt intake (maybe some is hidden in some new food you're ingesting). And have you increased your caffeine intake, or hot sauces (tabasco and such always sent me into PVC's). Or do you have increased stress?

Then there's the "woooo-eeee, wooooo-eeee" consideration that your body is "remembering" where it was a year ago and giving you ghost-like memories of the thing that bothered you the most. I know. It's completely far-fetched, but I have heard it about headaches when people are trying to overcome those which are recurring .......that there is a possibility that the brain remembers the "injury" and returns to what it knows. Something silly like that. (I swear, it was Mayo clinic stuff out of Rochester MN!!)

Keep your antennae out, and don't wait until your appointment if you feel you shouldn't.

Good luck.

Had my appointment with the Cardio yesterday and everything came out fine. He said my valve "sounds as good as could possibly be expected" and "was one of the best post-op repairs he had ever heard". I guess I'll take it. I guess I'll wait a couple weeks and maybe head to the PCP.

Thanks again!