Nathan's 10 month post op Echo/Daughter's First Echo Report!

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern Minnesota
We have GOOD NEWS :)

Nathan's 10 month post AVR echo was yesterday, as was our 10 year old daughter's first echo to rule out BAV. Nathan's 3 month post op echocardiogram had an an ejection fraction down to 35, with no left ventricle improvements, no cardiomegally improvements. Yesterday his EF was 53%! LV-NORMAL, Heart Size-NORMAL. Ascending Aorta-Totally normal. I didn't get a copy with his numbers yet. His cardio-one of the cardiomyopathy specialists at the Mayo said he is absolutley confident Nathan's heart is not going in any direction like his Dad's (cardiomyopathy then heart transplant). He is going to continue Nathan's Cozaar and Toprol for one more year, then consider taking him off of them. Nathan doesn't have go back for year! He has had echos every 6 months since 1998. What a treat! He also wants his target INR lower, now 2.5 to 3.0.

Our daughter's echo was completely NORMAL. Her aortic valve is tricupsid with all normal function. I got to be with her, and when they were taking the measurements of her aortic valve, I knew immediately. I saw this huge "Peace symbol" staring back at me :) I asked the technician if the visibility is alot easier with kids and she said absolutely. I was asking this poor technician all about what I thought were these three leaflets, and she was so nicely telling me she can't tell me a thing....UGH! We had to wait but all these results were so worth the wait!

Thanks for everyone's support and help during all these past months. :)
So glad to hear ALL your good news. Enjoy the rest of the summer!
that is great news, and i know you both must be so relieved that your daughters echo is normal, I'm sure it must have been something you always worried about even if it was in the back of your mind, Lyn
I'm so glad that your news is good! I know exactly how you felt when you saw that peace sign flash up on the screen!!! I was across the room when I saw my 18 year old daughter's! There is no mistaking it. I think it is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen!! :D

Of course, they did find a little aortic insufficiency in her.....something to keep an ear out for. And then my 2 sons.....discovered mitral valve prolapse in one (no biggie at this point, normal otherwise) and an enlarged heart with all other numbers and pressures normal with the 3rd and oldest (another son). I don't know what to think about all of it. But for now...knowledge is power and whatever changes occur for them...we'll be ready!

So glad your news was so good. Such a relief! Thanks for letting us know!

This was one of the best posts ever! I am so happy and relieved for you guys. Hearts must be very resilient things--remodeling themselves to suit different conditions, all to keep that blood pumping perfectly! And hooray for your daughter! So glad her murmer was benign. Thanks for making my day!

Jane (& Matt)