My Son Chris

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The man just called. He has already been mapped and is in a semi private room until a private room becomes available. #644 at Akron City Hospital.This hospital is much larger, busier and such, so there should not be a staffing problem like at St.Thomas. I guess we'll see what he can find to complain about here.

Cathy, yes I had my colonoscopy. One polyp found and removed even though I was fully anticoagulated. No bleeding!!!! Awaiting pathologies report but suspect it's nothing.

Lyn is sick and I'm trying to keep her bug off of me, but it's trying hard to nail me too. It's that time of year.

The whole family works except yours truly, so I have to wait for someone to either have a day off or take time off to take me up there and wheel my carcass around. I could try walking it, but I would have to stop every 50 ft to catch up on Oxygen. It would probably take me 40 minutes to simply get to his floor. :(
Ross, we have vans that take people uptown and to other cities (even to Gainesville where Shands is and that's half a state from here). There might be one where you live that could pick you up at your door, deliver you to the hospital where someone there could wheel you to Chris' room and back to the van when the van returns for pickup and then takes you to your door at home. There are even wheel chair vans. Call your local aging agency or welfare agency to ask if such is available to you. I drive myself here in town, but when going out of town, I ride in the van. It's easy on me, no driving, no gas, and their charge to Pensacola and back was $10.00, but for those on disability the charge was nil.

I went to Pensacola a couple weeks ago and I rode in the van. One of the patients going to Pensacola went to a Hyperbaric place. He said they put the patients in a room together, do the thing for about 3 hrs, and then they are finished for that time. In the future you might explore this, as others have said.
Make sure you take it easy. The stress alone will wear you down and you could fully catch what Lyn has. You can only do what you can do. Chris hopefully realizes that. Take care and glad to hear your colonoscopy went well!
Hopefully, Chris can get off to a fresh start with his move today. I worked for an OB on Market St. years ago, and I know we always had reports of much better treatment at Akron City, over St. Thomas. I learned last week at CC, that a lot of the private rooms are used for patients who are too "upset" to be in with others (as evidenced from the stain of a liquid that had been hurled at the wall). The nursing staff may not like a difficult patient, but it is still part of their obligation, and is certainly not like they haven't seen it before. I had a RN "hiding out" in my room trying to avoid an abusive patient, and he said the young patients are the worst.

Too bad Nancy can't be cloned, and whip everyone into shape up there. She should really write a book on being a patient advocate.
PegB said:
I learned last week at CC, that a lot of the private rooms are used for patients who are too "upset" to be in with others (as evidenced from the stain of a liquid that had been hurled at the wall).

The private room thing is more to prevent infection then to isolate the monkey. I'm talking about a hole the size of the bottom of a pop bottle in his foot. This thing is huge and looking at it, is hard to believe it will ever heal.
Ross has he contracted ostemelitis(sp)?I know someone who had a bad accident with a hole in her ankle, osteo set in and was very hard to cure.. sorry I just havent read all the posts...:eek:
Joe was also in a private room due to infection and semi-isolation. However, if that weren't the case, I had already requested a private room because he has had quite a few upstreperous roommates, and he had enough problems to overcome.

Unfortunately, we found out that they do not always isolate people with "anger management problems". Joe's had some that had to be sent to the psych ward, after they were restrained and had a "Code 10" called about their behaviour.

Joe is a really good patient, by the way.
Hi Ross, hey, the idea of trying t locate a (free) accessible van service and then ask a hospital volunteer to wheel you around has great merit!
Chris has youth on his side when it coms to healing. Hoping for the best.
hi ross,
my heart breaks for you and i wish we could do more or lived closer to help.

after my dad's recent surgery in nyc, he had icu psychosis and actually punched a nurse in the belly! they had to restrain him and doped him up with haldol, keeping him asleep for 12 hours straight thereafter.... needless to say, we were very upset with how this was handled.

my sister-in-law's father had been through the same thing a few years back at another hospital and they restrained him, took the family aside and put them at ease by explaining that although this is normal, it will pass, but for his own good, he needed to be restrained.

i think there is a way of handling this type of situation and there is a way of NOT handling it. i felt very strongly that my father's case was handled poorly and i spoke up. they did not like that one bit and did everything in their power to move him to a step-down unit room asap so they could get rid of him. this actually turned out to be the best thing for him, a window, a roommate and more "normalcy" around.

please know that you and chris and lyn and your family remain in our prayers.
thinking of you and wishing all the best,
Ross -

Ross -

Overwhelming stuff you are dealing with, with your son. I have no words of wisdom but plenty here do.

Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers, as well as Chris and Lyn.

Christina L
I got a visit from the County Sheriff. Seems Chris has been subpoenaed to appear in Court next Thursday!

Don't think he's going to be there. ;)
Cool Beans Ross!!!!

Cool Beans Ross!!!!

I am glad to hear that they have done something in the direction of nailing this guy. I hope your son does well and gets to feeling like his old self here asap as I know that this is tormenting you and yours. Harrybaby:D :D :D
Ross said:
The private room thing is more to prevent infection then to isolate the monkey. I'm talking about a hole the size of the bottom of a pop bottle in his foot. This thing is huge and looking at it, is hard to believe it will ever heal.

As I'd mentioned earlier, my father had a tiny blackberry vine puncture which eventually (untreated, then treated poorly, then untreated again) grew to the same size, and on his heel. For awhile the tendon was completely visible,like one of those plastic models that you can see through. Gross.

I don't know what that hyperbaric o2 chamber thing is, but it sure sounds like a good idea. Next time you are visiting the hospital, ask someone where the "wound care specialist's" office is. Take some time to go down there and speak with someone personally. Maybe they'll get curious (our wound care specialist was incredibly curious and determined) and pop up and visit him on their own. Sometimes the person to person exchange can do wonders. I swear this woman was a magician. She had so many tricks up her sleeve. It took a really, really long time, but his heel is fine now.

Good luck! Keep the faith. He's come pretty far already!!

:D Marguerite
Mr. Riley, the offending driver, is being charged by the State of Ohio with 4 Felony counts of Aggravated Vehicular Assault and 1 Felony count of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide and is being held on a 3.5 Million dollar bond.
tobagotwo said:
Sounds like a foot donor to me...
Honestly. After 24 arrests for the same type of traffic infractions, you'd think they'd at least life this guy, but it doesnt look like it's going to happen yet again.
Just a reminder

Just a reminder

Ross, if you have not already done so, contact the clerk at the court where Chris has been subpeonaed to appear, and let them know that he is still in the hospital. Also, contact the prosecutor's office to inform them. They can't very well have a court hearing without him there, and he could barely be in two places at once.

This may help him avoid being charged with fail to appear or contempt of court while he is hospitalized. The court personnel have no way of knowing without a phone call.

Good luck to him, and yall, and God Bless! And by all means, take care of yourself!

A poor, old, tired, fat police dispatcher!
Ross said:
Honestly. After 24 arrests for the same type of traffic infractions, you'd think they'd at least life this guy, but it doesnt look like it's going to happen yet again.

This sort of injustice makes me mad and I'm sure it driving you crazy as well...

I really like tobagotwo's idea of a "foot-donor"...sounds fair to me...

in the meantime I will continue to pray for you guys.
ChuckVSP said:
Ross, if you have not already done so, contact the clerk at the court where Chris has been subpeonaed to appear, and let them know that he is still in the hospital. Also, contact the prosecutor's office to inform them. They can't very well have a court hearing without him there, and he could barely be in two places at once.

This may help him avoid being charged with fail to appear or contempt of court while he is hospitalized. The court personnel have no way of knowing without a phone call.

Good luck to him, and yall, and God Bless! And by all means, take care of yourself!

A poor, old, tired, fat police dispatcher!
Thanks Chuck, yes I contacted them. The prosecutors office wasn't sure who all was still in the hospital, so they issued subpoena's for everyone. They've been advised.