My Scar Pics

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
hey guys,

here are my scar pics (from my 2 surgeries when I was an infant, the first one was a VSD repair, the second was a sub aortic membrane resection) you can see two seperate scars, especially towards the bottom (they were supposed to be one on top of the other), one is 20 years old, and one is 16 years old, they are 9 inches long.
Wow you can hardly see them. Mine are dark and shiny and very visable relative to my ight skin tone. However, mine are less than two years old. Were yours once like that and blended in over time?
They look great and nicely healed. I hope you see them as your badge of courage!!!! I never worry about my scar showing, it's kind of my way of saying "I'm tougher than you think!!":D
Thanks guys,

I really appreciate the support!

Wayne, they were darker, I think but have lightened, they wont get any color in the sun, so I have to watch that, and yes they are shiny, very much so. The visibility isnt so much in the color, as the texture of the skin, and how ropey they are. Scars continue to heal over time, so I'd bet as long as you keep yours out of the sun, it will continue to lighten. My lap nissen scars (2 yrs old this coming february) are still getting better.

Bina, yea, I found the sun on the scar thing out the hard way, my scar wont get any color from the sun, so it stays white and the skin around it colors, needless to say, this affects its visibility:D :rolleyes: ;)

Karlynn, I do see my scars as a badge of courage, but I also still have my "bad scar days" its a mood thing, I guess. . .I thought one would be over that after 20 years of having a sternotomy scar, but I guess its a normal thing

GeeBee, thats awesome, gotta love the twin scars! I wish we could meet and share them in person!

gotta go now


Morgan, 20


I used to hide my scars but now I wear v neck blouses because I wear that scar proudly because it saved my life.
I too will have twin scars...!

I too will have twin scars...!

So they dont just cut over your existing scar? I have a scar from 1980, will get another one on Feb 12th. I thought they cut the original one, as to not make it look so bad/ Your actually looks really good.

they may cut over yours, actually, if you want, you can have them cut it out. when I had my first surgery I was just over a year old, and my second I was just over 4, the first scar wasnt long enough to do the second surgery thru, plus I had obviously grown alot from my first surgery to my second surgery, so they didnt know what they were getting in to, I think it might be a little different from having surgeries as a baby/child to having a surgery as an adult, plus they have much better ways of closing incisions. I will need surgery sometime again in about the next 5-10 years, so we'll see