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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
Sometimes it works...this time it did!

Last december, while re-balancing my portfolio, and lamenting the
paper losses, i took the $10k that was earmarked for my surgery
and bought into a mutual fund. At the same time i activated a new
0%-for-one-year credit card.

Put all health related expenses on the credit card (including insurance,
meds, testing, monitors, etc) that were not small amounts purchased
in local currencies.

as of this week, that mutual fund is up over 70% YTD!! (of course,
without the major losses of the last two years, that wouldn't have
been possible.) looks like by the end of the year, valve replacement
will be fully paid for. it's free!! even better than hillarycare!!

have just applied for another 15-month 0% APR card, to which
the entire balance will be transferred, for a 3% fee. (due to recent
financial situation, no-fee transfers are hard to find.) so if i can keep
this up for 20 years, i'll have made enough to fly back to the states
and pay cash for the next avr...and a new harley to ride home on.


this is NOT recommended for normal people! i usually pay off my
credit cards monthly. never carry a balance, have no debts, no
mortgage. i won't be hurt too badly if the economy goes lehman.
of course, had i done this two years ago, results would be quite


kiwi's and aussies call people like you "tinny"

translation - "the luck of the irish"

at least triple

at least triple

umm, i'm pretty sure a 'tinny' is a 12-ounce cylinder of speight's
yes, a tinny is also any kiwi beer in a tin, it is refers to a $20.00 pack of drugs you might buy from a gang door in otara, but in this instance it was a reference to folk falling head first towards concrete but always managing to land on their feet