My OHS Adventure

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Cherie Dawn

Sep 24, 2014
Corpus Christi, Texas
I Wrote this awhile back but some how it posted as Guest.....So I am re posting again.........

OHS to replace my Mitral Valve with a mechanical valve on 10/10/2014 San Antonio UT Hospital. I was not scared of the surgery, I embraced it, I was more worried about the recovery.

I went back to get prepped for surgery, all sorts of nurses floating around trying to get me ready. The anesthesiologist scared the day lights out of me telling me about all the main lines they were going to have to put in one in my arm and that they were going to do it now before I got my relaxing cocktail. For some reason this day none of my veins would appear so they started in IV in my finger! Yep, I never had that done before, but it worked and they gave me my cocktail and took me to the OR. I don't remember the OR at all. I woke up later Friday afternoon in the ICU. I could hear everyone around me but couldn't open my eyes. My family kept telling me to open my eyes (they were being very pushy) The breathing tube was in and my arms were tied down. The nurse said, first open my eyes then move my head and they would remove the tube. After awhile I was able to open my eyes as they asked. Next on to the moving of the head. When I lifted my head, the tube moved some and started irritating me. I tried to tell them what had happened but they couldn't understand me. I realized that my left had had plastic under it for support of the IV, I started tapping on the bed, I then moved my right hand like a pen and they brought me a white board and marker and I was able to tell them what had happened, The nurse didn't do anything for me, so I managed to hold the tube between my teeth to keep it from gagging me and they just drugged me up for the night. At some point on Saturday they took the tube out. I don't remember Saturday at all, I know there were visitors but that's about it. Sunday came and I got to go to my own room out of ICU. They then took the chest tube out. I was hooked up to a pace maker, on oxygen, Heart monitor. And the check for sugar several times a day was killer, my poor fingers! They came and put in another main line for my IV. I was in some pain, but more just uncomfortable. Slowly but surely they started taking me off stuff. I had a few days of AFIB, thats no joke. It got so high it moved me in my seat. Took 2 days and they were able to get it under control. I had to go 5 days with out a bath :( Hardest part was getting in and out of the bed/chair/toilet with out using my arms. Hospital beds are just no fun to sleep in. They removed my pacemaker, removed my IV and finally on day 7 I was able to go home. Getting into the truck was fun! My shoulders and neck were in a lot of pain, I used a lot of the hospitals Instant ice packs.

Worst part was the breathing tube. Best part was the first shower and going home.

It has been 3 weeks now. I am doing ok. Had AFIB last weekend and had to go get checked out by the ER. They found some fluid that they thought might be around my heart. I went back to my surgeon on Tuesday and the fluid is around my lungs and not my heart, heart looks and sounds good. Still have high INR (blood thinning levels) high blood pressure and high heart beat, but we adjusted my meds and I have been feeling better.

Tuesday was the best I had felt in awhile. I am starting to get more mobile. Not feeling as tired when walking and able to get dressed on my own! That's an accomplishment. My neck and shoulders just have been out of wack not using them like I did before. My scar is healing nicely, I have lost 10 pounds. Its amazing how much I don't eat any more. Just no appetite these days. I am drinking a lot of water and eating my meals to keep up the energy.

I wanted to say thank you for everyone who posted before me that provided me with so much information. I honestly believe you made my surgery and healing so much easier, understanding what would or couldn't happen helped me prepare.

I'm still recovering, I haven't been released to drive yet, I go back on the 11th to see what they say! Wish me luck!
Its been 11 weeks post surgery. Things are looking up, I am mobile and driving. I feel much better except the energy. I still get tired easily. The breathing is so much better, I cant remember when the last time I could walk without getting so winded. I did rehab for a few weeks. It was expensive so I am working out at home. I have had a few problems with afib, but am working with my dr on that. Hopefully that will go away soon! I haven't been able to sleep in my bed :{ I have tried twice, but there is still sternum pain when sitting up and moving, so I am still sleeping in my chair. Getting a cold is just no fun...coughing is terrible! Ready to get my energy back! Slowly but surly!
Excellent , sounds like an "uneventful recovery" ( which is most of them )

Best wishes for starting the new year with a new start.

When you get stronger and fitter you may wish to gradually take the reins of managing your own INR / dose of warfarin. This is a good place to meet people who can make that transition easier :)
So far so good, just a little afib here and there, so we will see what the dr says in Jan. Managing my own INR is something I want to do, I am not where I need to be yet, but am being monitored every 2 weeks, Not sure how to get my insurance company involved to help me buy the machine. I will check the other posts on this to see what information I can find. Thanks for the support and the information.
I was out of work for 12 weeks, just til the end of the school year. Then I had another 2.5 months off before school started again. Even over the summer, I still got tired...5 months after surgery! It also took me about 5 months to get my INR to stabilize. I'm almost 10 months out now, and there's still a little bit to go, although I did just spend the whole weekend away from home doing touristy stuff, and didn't think about my surgery even once. :)
Cherie, How you do it is contact the Insurance company pharmacy, then ask what their procedure is for the doctor to send a script for the home machine. Most insurance cove the machine, but ask about the cost of the strips. If it is out of yourprice range, best to see if the hospital lab could do the INR. Mine does the INR, and i get the Protime resaults the same days, since I go early morning. Good luck in whatever happens. Hugs and kisses for today.

I agree, the tube is the worst part! Mine was difficult to get in and hurt like heck when I breathed. They kept saying breath deep. Well how do you breath deep when it hurts? I finally convinced them to take it out and put me on my cpap machine. It took alot of pointing and gesturing but got it removed in about two hours after wake up.