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hi folks ....I spoke with my GP for a long time last week and she explained to me what would happen if I did not go for surgery now ...didn't much like what she said reluctantly (you know me by now ...horses dragging me )I have agreed that the surgery is for the best ....she also said because I am getting so tired and am probably (hate to admit this ) but a tad stressed about this that it was better if I didn't return to school this week when the new yr starts was a funny feeling watching the kids go back and knowing someone else was taking my class. She also gave me something to help me sleep ..although I don't take them every night Dr was lovely and made me feel better about the Medical Profession as a whole ( I have had a lot of bad experiences with Drs over the yrs ) as from now I'm on the count down ....two weeks Tuesday until pre op day and then three weeks Tuesday until op ...just thought I'd share this with you ...sorry to be so long winded
Take care all and stay healthy
Hi Scottie-

You have a very good doctor. I'm glad you're getting this done and quite soon, especially since you are having symptoms. These next couple of weeks will be a little stressful, but it gives you just enough time to get everything done before your big day.

Take care and be well,
I am glad you are somewhat at peace with this decision now.
Take it from me, I felt so tired before the surgery, especially the last 6 months before, that I knew it was time. I really could not get through the day without a nap and was zonked by 10p.m.
After the surgery, you will feel so much better. I cannot believe the energy I have. I get up earlier, I do more during the day and I feel great.
I know it is hard not to stress out and be nervous, but try to concentrate on how you will feel afterward. Scottie, you will feel it right away. It's hard to explain, but you'll feel different on the inside.

Take yourself out for a single nougat and think about how much energy you'll have for Christmas and Hogmanay.
My dear Scottie - I know that giving up your class is distressing to you and probably broke your heart a bit more, too. I always knew you would make a wise decision. But now, for me, it will be anxiety time as we have walked along together for such a long while and you have become very special. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers daily. God bless and keep you
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Hi Scottie,
Happy to hear that you made up your mind. You will do great, and you will be fine. I'll be thinking of you as the time approaches.
Best wishes from New Mexico, USA. Let me know how I can help.
AVR; 4/02; CCF; Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue
I am glad you are getting this taken care of soon. I think I put mine off for maybe 6 months too long...and it took its toll on my health.

The waiting is tough, but what I found most helpful when I was waiting was to try to envision myself after I'd recovered from the surgery: Healthy, happy, and with the surgery in the PAST.

You're going to get through this just fine. Our Scottish blood makes us tough as nails!:D

All my best wishes,
Good luck Scotty!

We will be thinking about you.

I wrestled with my decision for a while too - finally decided to do it now and not risk any more damage to my heart even though i am not symptomatic at all. I am having the Ross procudure done in NYC by Dr. Steltzer this Tuesday 8/27 so my time is just about here. I'll tell you about it and you keep us posted about your experience. We will be posting here before you know it.

Hi Scottie and Bob


You are already in our prayers. As a newly retired teacher, I know how it feels to let someone take your classes, but kids are resilient and they'll do fine till you get back there to them. What grade do you teach? I teach (er, use to teach) high school!

Anyway, you will continue to be in our prayers for a bit.


You will do fine on Tuesday. You're in a good place, with from what I hear a great Dr....Go with God, for he is there for you. Please try and have someone keep us posted.

Bob's surgery

Bob's surgery

Bob, I am a new member and have not heard much on your story. But I wanted to wish you the best luck for your surgery on the 27th. Please keep us posted on your post-op. I will be going through the ROSS in the near future.No date yet. God bless and I will have you in my prayers for a fast recovery.
Paula from NC. :)
Hang in there!

Hang in there!

Hi Scottie,

I hope you are holding up okay during this very stressful pre-op period. Everyone has said that this is the hardest part, and they are right!

This is the time to turn to the Lord and show your faith. He is always there for you. Many of us found peace during the waiting period by doing this, especially in the few days just before the surgery.

You'll do fine and you will be smiling for quite a while after the surgery is over, even when you are experiencing the dis comforts of recovery. The view from the top of the mountain is beautiful.

You'll be back in the classroom sooner than you think and jsut as good as ever.

Ron K
Hang in there!

Hang in there!

Hi Scottie,

I hope you are holding up okay during this very stressful pre-op period. Everyone has said that this is the hardest part, and they are right!

This is the time to turn to the Lord and show your faith. He is always there for you. Many of us found peace during the waiting period by doing this, especially in the few days just before the surgery.

You'll do fine and you will be smiling for quite a while after the surgery is over, even when you are experiencing the discomforts of recovery. The view from the top of the mountain is beautiful.

You'll be back in the classroom sooner than you think and just as good as ever.

Ron K
Surgery date?

Surgery date?

Hi Scottie....If I can add correct with this pumphead (Never did find my new glasses..went back and bought a new pair..cheaper lens and frames..figure I would lose them too:D back to adding..3 weeks from tomorrow for your surgery?the 17th? wishing you the best. I missed a lot of your earlier postings. What type of valve will you be given? Take those sleeping pills..relax..everything will be fine:D :D Bonnie Lass:D
Good luck, Scottie!!

Good luck, Scottie!!

Dear Scottie, I just wanted to add my best wishes to you, to wish you luck on the 17th. Obviously a good day as that is the day I meet my surgeon for the first time. He will then decide when to do the operation (avr). I have been told that it will be in the next year or so.

It must have been very hard to decide on the op while you are feeling well. But you are right to go ahead now as you do not want to feel like I feel 80% of the time!!

You have got all the love and support of the fantastic people on this site. This site has certainly preserved my sanity over the past 12 months or so. We are all thinking of you so much. Just think, in 6 months you will be telling me not to worry, that it was all a piece of cake. Sorry I have waffled on for so long.

Lots of love, and very good luck.