My friend Jane

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
I recommended this site to my friend Jane who was awaiting AVR. She tried to register the night before her admission to the hospital but was unable to post.
I saw her in the hospital today. She had AVR last Tues. 3/10/09 and is doing as well as anyone can 6 days out. She will be going home today and has a 2 hour ride. Of course I told her to get back to this site as soon as she is feeling well enough but I also told her I would post for her today. She will fill you in on her postop course when she gets online but I told her that she will make lifelong friends on
I think she said her user name will be Janie but not sure of the spelling. She is from Maryland, also.
Glad to read,she will be joining VR and the best to her
upon her recovery..........We will be looking forward to
her joining us,when able.

zipper2 (DEB)
Glad to read her surgery went well.

If she has a free email address (hotmail, gmail etc) you may want to give Ross a heads up so that he can approve her membership.
No offense, but people really need to read the terms of use and all the instructions when registering. The nice box where entering email addresses says,

"We do not accept free web based email accounts for registration purposes (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc). AOL users will need to set up their mailbox to receive mail from before proceeding."

I'm still getting people emailing Hank and I asking why their email address is banned. Some of them very hostile too. Were willing to work with just about anyone if they'll provide a few additional facts that will allow us to make sure they are who they say they are, but some people don't want to even do that, yet wonder why they aren't allowed in.

All anyone need do is click on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page. It's usually me that responds, but Hank, Michelle, and all of us admins get a copy.

For those that find it much to hard to click on that link, try writing [email protected]

Don't mean to sound like a nasty prick, it's just that I've had my head bit off a few times already and it's because people simply don't read.
Hope you recovery is swift & sure. The main thing to remember is not to overdo it, and don't feel guilty for running your friends and family crazy. A bell works nicely, but if you want to have a little fun with it get an air horn.

DO NOT go to the joke page yet, if you get to laughing this early it will hurt to much.

Best of luck to you and yours, and God Bless