My Dad has his date

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Apr 9, 2010
I am so glad I found this site. My dad is having a VR on 4/14. His aV is less the 1cm because of calcifcation(sp?) He is not so worried about the surgery, put the pain associated with the recovery. Any words of encourgement I can pass along from people who have been there ?

Any other information people can pass along to us we would love to have it. We are all worried. Surgeon was very patient when we went and answered all our questions and of course went over worst case....infection, stroke,etc.Explained it should only take about 2-2.5 hours and hope to have him up walking with in12-14hours , a few steps.

Please include us in your prayers.
Hi Kangy, welcome to the forum. How old is your dad?
Many members here have found that sleeping in a recliner once they get home a good thing. Me on the other hand didn't use any of the 4 recliners we have and used my bed as soon as I got home - that's where some of the pain is felt IMHO. Getting in and out of bed is tricky, but the hospital stuff should show your dad how to it so he doesn't feel the 'pain' as much. Coughing and sneezing are the two to watch out for. Them sneezes can sneak up on you very quickly, it's good to have a fairly firm pillow handy and/or teach your dad how to 'hung' himself when he feels a sneeze coming - they are very painful.

Eat, drink, walk, rest then repeat is what your dad can expect to be his rules for at least 2 weeks after surgery.

Don't be shy, we will always answer your questions
Maybe I'm a bit unusual, but I had ZERO pain after surgery. If he follows the common sternal precautions as they will instruct him, I think most people have little trouble. Some people have soreness from the manipulation of the rib cage and shoulders, etc. I didn't and I expected some problems because I'm a little guy.

Sounds like you've got a good surgeon - 2- 2.5 hours is fast! So is walking in 12-14 hours.
Ask if you dad can get a pain pump for the first couple of days post-op. My surgeon had said I would probably get one -- but I didn't. Not sure why, and I didn't ask.
If your dad stays on top of the pain -- gets pain meds BEFORE the pain gets too much, he'll be OK. I had quite a bit of discomfort with my MVR; my husband had little discomfort with his MV repair. I had a sternotomy; he had a thoracotomy. I have a higher pain threshhold than he does, so I'm not sure what the difference was.
But, the pain/discomfort does go away. What helped me was thinking ahead to better days, i.e., "one week from now, I will be in recovery. Two weeks from now, I'll be out of the hospital and at my parents' home," and so on. Many others have used the same mental imagery to help them.
Your dad will feel so much better after his surgery. Despite the pain/discomfort, I noticed a significant difference, even while in the hospital.