My Crazy Experience

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2005
Good ole' WISCO
I had the worst experience a couple months ago, and thought it was time to share it with you folks here at VR. I don't know if you remember, but I had my open heart surgery just over a year ago (Aug, 2005) while I was having my surgery, I developed pnemonia (sp?). So of course I had a very rough time getting over that and dealing with recovery but everthing went along and I got through it fine. Here's where the fun stuff begins...

So a couple months ago I went into the clinic because my throat was bothering me, I thought I might be getting strep and wanted to get it cleared up right away. I decided instead of waiting for my regular doctor I would just visit the walk in. So the doctor there looked at my throat and told me that everything was fine, and not to worry about it. Blah Blah Blah. Then he decided to listen to my heart and lungs, just the normal routine. Well, he was listening to my lungs for a very long time and told me that he wanted to get a second opinion. So he brought in another doc, and he took a listen too. Well, they decided that my breath sounds in the left lung didn?t sound very strong so they wanted to do a chest X-ray. So they took a few x rays and told me that they would wait to get some other xrays from Mayo Clinic to compare. (I live in La Crosse, but had my surgery at Mayo Clinic?that?s a whole other story).

Well, about a week later the doctor called me and told me he wanted me to come in and have an MRI done. They said they found something in my lung, they weren?t sure what it was. They thought it could still be pnemonia or scar tissue, they just weren?t sure but wanted to check it out. So I went in for the MRI and after it was completed they told me that they thought I had a hernia! I couldn?t believe it, I didn?t even know what a hernia was but I knew it wasn?t something that I was suppose to have. So there I was all by myself in the room, talking to the techs about my so called ?hernia?. They were talking about how I would probably have surgery and would need to get it looked at very soon because it was pretty big. They also told me that since they had done the MRI in the chest area, they wanted to do ANOTHER one in my abdomen area.

So the next week I came back, with my mom, and had the second MRI done. After that one, they said it was a hernia and kept talking about how I would need surgery, and that I should set up an appointment with a surgeon, and it would be a tricky surgery because of my heart condition and that I was on coumidin. So of course at this point I was hysterical, since in my head I had just gotten through heart surgery I didn?t need this too. Well, they decided to take a couple more pictures because the hernia they were looking at didn?t appear to be a bowel hernia but more vascular. So they kept looking at it, and talking amongst themselves. Again, came back and told me that it was a hernia, vascular and it would be even MORE tricky to have surgery on. While I was getting dressed, my mom went in the back room to take a look at the pictures and was listening to them talk about my ?hernia?. They all were really amazed at how big it was and where it was located. Then the guy started talking about how weird it was that this hernia was going through my new mechanical aortic valve I had just got put in, so then my mom told him about my conduit (For those of you that don?t know, instead of my aortic valve being replaced they decided to sew in a conduit from the bottom of my heart connecting to my aorta, that way it sort of bypasses my bicuspid aortic valve and my coartation) which has it?s own mechanical valve. So then they all figured out that there was NO HERNIA, they were simply looking at my conduit!!! :eek: I couldn?t believe it, after all my worrys and tears?.it was NOTHING! I mean they were almost to the point of scheduling my surgery, and they would have found the piece I had just got put in there, that was suppose to be there helping my heart!!

It just goes to show you that heart problems can be very complicated, even for people that are suppose to know what they are looking for. They were all very nice about it and apologized for everything, they even told me that I would be going into their teaching manuals for new students. But what an ordeal that was. I?m just glad they didn?t cut me open and THEN find out what it was. Boy, would I have made a lot of money off of THAT!:p
That is the ONLY thing that worries me about my upcomming surgery, the people doing it are HUMAN and put their trousers on one leg at a time like anyone else, they are not infallible.

I hope they refunded your test costs....:rolleyes:
That is an amazing story!!! :eek:

I'm so glad that you are fine! A mother's value can be worth more than her weight in gold!! Thank goodness she was there for you.

Take care!!!

:) Marguerite
The more I read, the more I thought you were going to end up saying it was a baby!

Good for your mother. She is WISE and saved you. We keep saying the doctors don't know all of it and that's why VR is here, to help us along sometimes. Your story might help another VR member.
Funny, I thought it was going to be a baby too- grandmothers must think alike.:)
Scary experience, so glad your Mom was there!
Wow.. Nothing like aging about 10year huh?
Thank heavens your mom was there!
So glad you are not facing another surgery anytime in the near future:)
When people have unusual or complicated medical problems it is important to make a history list and put it on the computer, and keep it up to date and in your wallet or purse all the time. Also include a medication list with the dosages and strengths and any allergies.

I have done this for Joe and many doctors and nurses have thanked me and told me that it helped tremendously when they were trying to figure out things.

I have included all the dates of surgeries, doctors and hospitals, major hospitalizations and a brief description of what transpired. That way, if there were any questions, they could phone up the past doctor or ask for medical records from the hospital during that date period.

Thank goodness that it all got sorted out, it could have been a disaster.

Yes, I should have added that. They told me that since my case was so rare, that I should have copies off all my testing and such from Mayo Clinic. They told me they could put it on a disk and I could take it with me, say if I moved or something. That would be very helpful, especially to avoid disasters like this. Thank goodness my mom was there, she sure did save my butt:D And, no it wasn't a baby. Lol. I have a two year old son, and he is enough to handle;)
You poor thing! What an upsetting experience. But I'm sure you felt very relieved to know you weren't facing surgery!

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