My cardiologist is better than yours!

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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
Well, not really, But he is better than my old one.
The one that skipped town. But that's another story.

He came highly recommended and he gave me a whole hour of his time.
Yes, one whole hour. He answered every question I had in detail.
He took me off of my beta-blocker(gradually) and told me to wait 2 weeks while
my system cleared out. I should then test my blood pressure 5 times.
5 consecutive days at 5 different times each day randomly. That way if
I need some blood pressure control he can better choose the right one.
I'm glad I just purchased a cuff tester.
The lopressor wasn't good for my asthma/COPD condition.

Anyway, my heart is in good shape but my next trial is a needed
colonoscopy in a month or 2.

It is now 5am Sunday morning. GOOD MORNING ALL! :)
Good morning! That is exactly how a real cardiologist treats patients. Not hurriedly, in and out, like most.
It sounds like you indeed have a wonderrful cardiologist.

I feel I do as well.

When he told me I needed a second OHS to have valve repaired/replaced, I said to him "I don't know how to go through that a second time. It's just too hard". He responded, "I will see you through this" and he did. He was my angel and literally took me by the hand and got me through it all step by step, test by test. There is no way to ever let him know how grateful my DH and I are to him. Certainly we have told him, gave him a small gift with note but he gave us our future!! That after seeing me through my first episode which was all in crisis/emergency mode.

I know I am very lucky and am very grateful!
AAAHHHHHHH too sweet with these cardiologists you
all have (got tears in my eyes) think mine ran off cus
he told me to phone in 2 weeks if i'd heard nothing
from him,called back twice now........nothing yet!!!!:eek:

Unless you learn he has had a true personal emergecy or something on that order, I would be looking for a new cardio. That is unacceptable IMO. Request your tests and records and find a new doctor.

There is no reason you should have to endure all this added stress on top of your heart condition..

I feel horrible to read about a doctor doing that to a patient without some incredibly good excuse.
The last 2 times with my last doctor I felt like asking for my money back.

Now I wish I had.

I wonder what would have happened. I gave my $30. co-pay in cash

so it would have been easy.

Yeah right...dream on :rolleyes:
always nice to find a doctor you are comfortable with. My cardiologist came by recommendation from a neightbor who has been seeing her for several years. I think my cardiologist is great although she fusses at me from time to time for not doing what I should lol.
watch out my ex cardiologist is now in america,,

watch out my ex cardiologist is now in america,,

I first saw a cardiologist 2 years ago and he said nothing needed doing as i had a slight murmer,,,,,the beginning of 2008 I was feeling breathless and visited my doctor who in turn tried to get in touch with cardiologist and was told he had gone to america to work,,,,my papers had all disappeared with him,,,,an appointment was made with my new man and i have to say its a good job because he has done a complete mot and now i am waiting to have a double heart valve replacement,,,I go and see him and surgeon to discuss a date on 11th july....hope its very soon and wonder what would have happened if i had waited for the now in maybe your neck of the woods cardiologist....can I mention his name ross,,,,,,poppy uk
I guess I am fortunate that I have always had competent cardios. I had my surgery at Duke and I now have my cardio followups at Duke's ACHD cardiology clinic annually. I'm usually there for about two hours with very little waiting. When I get there I have my echo...then one of the resident cardios spend about 30 minutes with me...then one of the two senior ACHD cardio specialists comes in and spends another 30 minutes with me. I had an appointment in March of 08 and and the echo showed an aortic root dilation of 4.0. At my previous followup it was 3.7. I brought this up with the cardio and he decided to have his most senior echo tech redo the echo to get a more accurate measurement of my aortic root. He came back in and said that the echo showed that the measurements from the entire root measured between 3.4 and 3.8 and that my aortic root was indeed stable and not increased in size. Since I had a Ross Procedure this is an important area to watch with the autograph. He could tell I was an informed (and concerned) patient and he went the extra distance to get a more precise measurement to alleviate my concerns. That right there is "good doctoring". :) Unfortunately the same can not be said for the GP I had that took 4 months to diagnois my endocarditis even though my chart included (or should have) that I had a VSD and moderate aortic insufficiency due to the VSD causing one of my aortic valve leaflets to prolapse. In other words I was a prime candidate for endocarditis but apparently he didn't bother to check that really long form you have to fill out listing your medical history before your first visit. :rolleyes: