My Cardiac Rehab

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Chicago, IL
Hi All. I just wanted to share what my experience with cardiac rehab was. I highly encourage everyone that has the opportunity to give it a try. It turns out that I probably did not need the formal rehab. They actually slowed me down from what I was doing prior to the rehab. But it was really a learning experience into my heart rate and BP. When I started, I was already ahead of every other person in my class. But what is so great is the encouragement that you get. I can't imagine another place where everyone would cheer when I ran my first mile ... or made it 3 miles in 40 minutes. At the same time, I was giving a high five to one of my cohorts for making it her first mile. What boggles my mind is the statistics that only 20% on CH patients continue to exercise after rehab. Crazy!!
Yep, I agree. My cardiac rehab has been a good experience too. It is comforting to know that a nurse is keeping an eye on you during your workout. For me a nurse takes my blood pressure once before, once during and once after my workout. Everyone in class wears a heart rate monitor and one nurse monitors our heart rate at a computer screen. This past Wednesday I took a stress test at my cardiologists office to help determine my target heart rate for rehab. I worked out before surgery and will continue my cardio workouts too after rehab.
Post-Op Exercise

Post-Op Exercise

Yeah, my cardiologist often comments that he'd have a lot less return business if his patients would continue with exercse programs after AVR surgery. The majority of the people who were in my rehab program indicated they had little interest in continuing with an exercise program after they finished cardiac rehab.

Wow, I had no idea about the lack of follow-up post-rehab. That's crazy when you think about the motivation people ought to have, all things considered!

Really, though, I just wanted to echo the original comments about how useful rehab can be, especially when it comes to getting a sense of how your body is reacting and what's a good idea in those first months.
I did not go to rehab and wished I had. When I first started working out I really had no idea what was right or wrong for me to do. I have kind of picked my way through.

My cardio has given me some direction but I still always have in the back of my mind "Is this too much weight" "How long can I keep my heart rate at 170?" "Should I be running a heart rate of 170?" Still a lot of questions. Still alive though.

If anyone has the opportunity to attend rehab, be sure to do it.

Very glad your experience has been positive, Cheryl. Mine was, too. I loved cardiab rehab. Wished I could have just continued in my group beyond the 36 sessions -- and I could have for just a few dollars out of pocket per session; however, we moved about the time I finished the prescribed 12 weeks. Sounds funny to say, but it was one of most "fun" things I've done in my life (but then maybe Superbob leads a dull life. :rolleyes: )