My Big Day is Nov 21st.

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Congrats. Do the breathing and the walking and keep looking forward. When you get to the right time cardiac rehab is a great place to keep on the right track.
Ten days post-op and everything is going great! Feel better and gaining strength every day.

Good to hear back from ya, DC is right keep them lungs worked out. I began to walk 20 to 25 minutes outdoors around the 12 th day I think, kinda of a blurr now.
I'm still staying with the walks, just at a quicker pace now, the pain really let up in short order after the exercise , I know that it really helped with my back pain recovery.
Good to hear your doing well. I'm a smoker too and just wondering if you gave it up or not. My intentions were to give it up, but second day home started having a smoke when I changed my patch before bedtime. Now a week later, I'm up to a half dozen or more again.

Just wondering how your doing on the smoking side. I feared a lot of caughing because of it, but got practically none. Worst caughing moment was when toast crumbs went down wrong. Who would have thought eating toast would be so hazardous!