Must have reference links

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2004
Hi Ross,

Just wanted to say thank you for your time in putting together the 'must have' reference links. They have helped to answer a lot of our questions. It's so helpful to have them in one spot rather than have to search the entire VR site.

I ditto this thanks. I've already used this resource, but am now using it to study warfarin. My mother was just prescribed warfarin and knows very little about it, but she knows I'm somewhat familiar with it because of this site.
Thank you. I'm happy to know someone uses them. I'm continually amazed at how much never gets read in the forums and honestly, I think we have the best resources available here, then anywhere else.

If anyone finds info that they believe would be beneficial and would to have them posted in "Must have Links" simply send me a message with the url of the page and title of the subect. I'll post it promptly if it is indeed a Must have Link.