Musician2K is out of surgery.....

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Chris was in my thoughts all day yesterday and I will continue to send him positive thoughts today also. Hopefully he will come off the vent soon.
musician2k said:
I wanted to attempt to update everyone on the forum about my husband. Like my brother Merrill said, the surgery went fine, but as soon as they were going to take him off the bypass they gave him a drug called AMIODARONE. Apparently, he went into shock--an allergic reaction?--as his blood pressure went away and they put him on the bypass again. All of this has caused him to retain fluid and he is still on the ventilator. The surgeon said that Chris aged him by ten years and that he has never seen this happen before in his life. I have had a rough day and night. I am trying to be strong. It's hard. Chris means the world to me! I also thank all of you for everything. You all have been such a big support to Chris prior to surgery and to me now as well. It's nice to know that we are not alone. Please continue to pray for Chris.

Carla, be sure to have a family member stay at all times, even if they object. This will keep the staff on their toes and hopefully help his recovery. Was there some arrhythmia that they gave him Amiodarone? Something just doesn't sound right here.
Chris has hit one of those notorious "bumps" in the road, but he is still smack dab on the road to recovery.
Ross's advice is excellent; make sure someone stays nearby to serve as an advocate for his care.
I look forward to updates as you get a chance to post, and know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Carla, thanks so much for thinking of your VR.Com family during a very stressful time for you. I'm sure that Mary is right and this is just a "bump" in the road and we hope that he will soon be off the vent.
Carla, keeping you and Chris in my prayers,
He is strong and will come out of this ok. As the onlooker, please remember to take care of you! He will need you to be healthy and strong.
Give him our best and give yourself a hug!! Thanks for the update
Thinking and praying for Chris today! I hope this will be a day with good things in it for you and your family. I believe prayers can speed healing and I know Chris has them from his VR family right now. Please keep us updated.
My thoughts are with Chris, praying he'll get back to an uneventful and swift recovery.

Best wishes and many hugs,
Chris is in my prayers. I hope that today is a good one for him and the family. I too am wondering why he got Amiodarone at the end of the surgery.
Thoughts and Prayers coming your way!

Thoughts and Prayers coming your way!

Hi Carla,

Thank you for taking the time to update us. You must be exhausted and worried, but please know that we are all thinking about Chris and sending our prayers his way.

I don't know anything about the drug that they gave him, but I think that Ross had some good advice about having someone near him at all times.

Please take care of yourself as well......Chris will get over this "bump" soon, and all will be well :)

Sending continued prayers for Chris, Carla and all their loved ones. May you all find the strength you need to get through this challenging time.

musician2k said:
I wanted to attempt to update everyone on the forum about my husband. Like my brother Merrill said, the surgery went fine, but as soon as they were going to take him off the bypass they gave him a drug called AMIODARONE. Apparently, he went into shock--an allergic reaction?--as his blood pressure went away and they put him on the bypass again. All of this has caused him to retain fluid and he is still on the ventilator. The surgeon said that Chris aged him by ten years and that he has never seen this happen before in his life. I have had a rough day and night. I am trying to be stong. It's hard. Chris means the world to me! I also thank all of you for everything. You all have been such a big support to Chris prior to surgery and to me now as well. It's nice to know that we are not alone. Please continue to pray for Chris.


Dear Carla

I will pray for Chris and yourself. I pray that the Lord will heal Chris and may His loving prescence be with Chris and slowly take away the bad reaction to the drug. I pray for strength for Chris and yourself.

take care and hugs.
I have been thinking of Chris and hope he gets off the vent and starts healing. It always is a good idea to have a family member around asking questions and providing a friendly face upon waking...
Carla, Thank you for the updates. I am keeping Chris and you in my prayers, My son Has congenital heart defects and in the CHD world we usually refer to the postop time as a rollercoaster lots of ups and downs, but the good thing is the doctors and nurses know what to do to help w/ any problem.
I agree w/ making sure to have a family member by his side and please if you have any questions post here someone is usually online and can help or look up answers for you, Lyn
Thanks for the update. He will be alright... It is just a minor bump in the road. You should be strong and keep him strong as well. I can see him posting to this thread in few days... thanking all of us for our well wishes.

Looking forward to hear from him in few days. Tell him that my surgery is on 20th and I'm looking forward to his personal message to me. Ask him that he better get ready and strong to type a long message about his experience in ICU.

Thoughts and prayers for both of you. Keep us updated.
We're all rooting for Chris here. Please let him know when he wakes up.
Hi Carla. I hope that Chris is better now and that your fears are behind you. I think the surgeon was somewhat out of line with his remark.....insensitive to say the least! :mad: I hope he will be more sensitive in the future.

I don't have a completely clear picture of my first few hours post op, but I did receive some Amiodarone and my blood pressure fell. I then filled up with fluid, but it was controllable. I do not know if these events were related. I do know it was a temporary thing for me. I asked about the Amiodarone later and they said it was standard procedure to get the heart in rhythm so as to avoid a pacemaker, if there were any rhythm problems. Everyone has a different set of reactions to everything.

I know Chris was worried about his drug sensitivities. I'm sorry that it appears there is yet another one that doesn't like him very well. :(

It is very hard for loved ones. I'm 12 weeks out and last night after a business function for my husband's job, he said how wonderful it was to see me out there all lovely and well and in one incredilbly glad he was that I'd "made it". I'm hearing more afterwards than I heard him voice before. It's tough. hang in there!

Please know that you and Chris are in all our thoughts and prayers.

Wow, Carla, I just read this thread to see how Chris was doing and was quite shocked as is everyone else. I will continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers until he gets past this. My best to all of you.